House of Prayer?


House of Prayer? Written by Pastor Jerry McCullah 

Reserve Church steeple


Of course, God loves the world of humanity; “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16), but the “apple of His eye” is the Church, the Bride of Christ!

Though she may fall short of His desires for her at times, He will ever love His Bride, the Church. Who are we to speak less than in love, even in guidance and correction, to and about, His Church?

The Church is to be many things which she often overlooks or misses; but allow me to share a picture of the Church that Jesus Himself has drawn for us in Matthew 21:13. “It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

If the Church’s main purpose and passion is not prayer, the Church needs to return to Him ” . . . I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left they First Love” (Revelation 2:4)

Jesus is to be the number one Love of the Church. The Church that has little prayer has little love for Jesus Christ. The Church that spends more of its time speaking to one another is more in love with themselves than they are with Jesus, and His blood-bought world.

I love His Church! I love when He allows me to work with Him in adding to His Church. I love when He uses me to encourage His Church to return to Him and become a house of prayer as per His design.

Beloved believer, the Church in America needs revival—a great sweeping, deep, through and through, revival! And we can have it if we are willing to pay the price; and humble, repenting, real, determined, persistent, heart-broken, effectual prayer, to God, moved by the Holy Spirit . . . is the price!

Beloved, “Pray-the-Price”— humble yourselves—humble your churches—return to Him!

The Church that God calls a House of Prayer will never be in need of revival!


About Pastor Jerry McCullah

Pastor of Green Valley Bible Chapel 2005- Present

Prayer Consultant for California Southern Baptist Convention 2001- Present

Founder and President of Impact Prayer International 1999 – Present

Teaching and encouraging intimate relationships with Jesus Christ in churches through seminars, prayer revivals, concerts of prayer, prayer retreats, and more.

Headquartered at 15724 Calle Hermosa Green Valley, Ca. 91390 Ph. 661-270-9671

More here on Pastor Jerry:

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