Iran Agreement Likely Has as Many Holes as Swiss Cheese, Americans Support Religious Liberty, Christians Slaughtered in Kenya and More News


Thursday, April 2, 2015

From: Gary L. Bauer

To Be Continued

Negotiators in Switzerland have reached an agreement for this phase of the Iranian nuclear talks. It likely has as many holes as a piece of Swiss cheese.

Earlier today the Associated Press reported: “Western officials say that Iran and the United States have agreed on the outlines of an understanding that would open the path to a final phase of nuclear negotiations.”

So, just to be clear, we’ve got “outlines” of an “understanding” to a “path” that leads to a “phase.” Got it?

Moments ago, Barack Obama walked out on to the White House lawn and delivered his best Neville Chamberlain impersonation, all but declaring “Peace in our time.” Obama declared that this was a “good deal” and our “best option.”

Let’s be clear about something: Obama does not have a deal. All he has is an agreement that the Iranians will continue talking. The new deadline for a final deal is June 30th. This is the third or fourth change of deadlines.

A Fox News poll released yesterday found that 55% of voters believe we cannot trust the Iranians, 58% disapprove of the way Obama is handling relations with Iran (a record high disapproval rating on that issue), and 76% of voters believe the president should be required to get congressional approval for any deal he makes with Iran.

Americans Support Religious Liberty

Given the way big media, big business and the radical left are hyperventilating over state religious freedom laws, you’d think the era of Jim Crow was making a comeback. They are wrong.gary Bauer 2

But given the way some weak-kneed politicians are reacting to their intolerance toward faith, you’d think the American people overwhelmingly agreed with the left. That’s wrong too.

Consider these recent poll results:

  • A February poll by the Associated Press found that 57% of Americans agreed that “wedding-related businesses with religious objections should be allowed to refuse service to same-sex couples,” while 39% said such businesses should not be allowed to refuse service.
  • A March Marist poll found that 54% of adults support “religious liberty protections or exemptions for faith-based organizations and individuals,” while 38% oppose them.
  • The Marist poll also asked whether individuals who refused to provide wedding-related services to same-sex couples should be fined for their religious objections. Sixty-five percent said no, while only 31% said yes.
  • A February poll conducted by American Values and other pro-family organizations found that 81% of registered voters agreed with this statement: “Government should leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage as they live their daily lives at work and in the way they run their businesses.”
  • A Rasmussen poll released yesterday found that 70% of likely voters “agree that a Christian wedding photographer who has deeply held religious beliefs opposing same-sex marriage has the right to turn down working a job at such a wedding.”Political Justice?New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D) was charged yesterday on 14 counts of corruption. As a result of the indictment, Menendez is being forced to step down from his position as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.What a coincidence! Menendez just happens to be one of Obama’s most vocal foreign policy critics. And his indictment comes just as we get word of a possible Iranian deal and just as the fight over Congress’ right to ratify the deal is about to begin.

    Speaking of coincidences, news broke yesterday that former IRS official Lois Lerner won’t face charges for contempt of Congress because the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia won’t press charges. House and Senate leaders cannot allow the IRS’ abuse of American taxpayers to go unpunished. They should move immediately to appoint a special prosecutor.

    Christians Slaughtered In Kenya

    Anarchy is spreading throughout the Middle East and in parts of Africa as radical Islam marches on, targeting Christians, Jews and other religious minorities with renewed vengeance. As we head into the Easter weekend, it was Christians’ turn to suffer.

    The Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group al-Shabab stormed a college campus in Garissa, Kenya, early this morning in a raid targeting Christian students. The attack lasted more than 15 hours and, according to the latest reports, killed nearly 150 people. Scores of people were wounded.

    Meanwhile, jihadists in Yemen attacked a prison and freed nearly 300 inmates. At least a third of those freed have links to Al Qaeda.

    Chag Sameach

    Jews all over the world will gather tomorrow night to celebrate the miracle of Passover. The last plague that God used to free the Jews from Pharaoh and Egyptian captivity was to kill all the firstborn males.

    Forewarned by God, Jews marked their doors with the blood of a lamb, and, as a result, He passed over their homes. (Exodus, Chapter 12.) God told the Jewish people to mark the day as a memorial day and to observe it as a feast to the Lord forever.

    We join our Jewish brothers and sisters in praise and thanks to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for His mercies and love. To all of you, Chag Sameach, a joyous festival!

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