Terror Attack Leaves Jerusalem On Edge


Jerusalem (Wikipedia)Jerusalemites were a little on edge Friday following yet another vehicular terrorist attack the previous day by a Palestinian resident of the eastern part of the city which killed a Jewish man and severely wounded a Jewish woman as they waited for a bus in the French Hill neighborhood of the capital. Shalom Yohai Cherki, 25, was killed in the attack while Shira Klein remained hospatilized in serious condition Friday afternoon. Their attacker was named as Khaled Koutineh, 37, from Anata, who was arrested following questioning by security forces who believe he carried out the attack for nationalistic reasons. “After the suspect was questioned, the preliminary findings reinforced that the incident was an attack; however, the investigation is continuing,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. However, Koutineh’s lawyer said it was a simple car accident caused by bad weather. Read More

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