The Daily Jot: Duplicitous foreign policy in prophetic times

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Duplicitous foreign policy in prophetic times

The US “president” seems to be doing all he can to hand Iran nuclear technology–much the same, quite frankly, that President Bill Clinton did with North Korea–yet at the same time, he is reportedly sending aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt into the Arabian Sea to prevent Iran from supplying Yemen rebels, including al Qaeda. It was the “president’s” support of Arab Spring that destabilized Middle Eastern and Northern African governments, including Yemen. The “president’s” foreign policy appears duplicitous by supporting Iran, but also fighting Iran. So which is it? Is the US an ally of Iran or is it a foe? Well, from the perspective of the White House, probably both. A dangerous course to pursue.

It appears there is a pawn game of chess unfolding over the Middle East. America’s traditional allies have been Sunni Muslims, which include Saudi Arabia. Iran is Shiite. The Muslim Brotherhood is primarily Sunni as is al Qaeda. The “president” has fought al Qaeda in Iraq, financially supported it in Libya, and is appearing to fight it in Yemen. Balancing the power and military might between Sunni and Shiite seems to be a goal. The Islamic State appears to be Sunni, but the “president” has both supported it when it was against the Syrian Assad regime, and, at least verbally, opposed it as it gobbles up territory in Iraq. Iran and the US have assisted Iraq in fending off the Islamic State.

The Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda inspired revolution in Egypt was supported the the US “president.” That rebellion ended poorly as the Muslim Brotherhood “elected” president was overthrown, thrown in jail, tried, and was sentenced to some 20 years for the deaths of protesters. Other Muslim Brotherhood insurgents received much harsher sentences. The “president” seemed to let his allies hang out to dry. All in all the balance of power among the Muslims appears to ebb and flow, depending on who the “president” is supporting at the moment. It’s OK to allow Iran a path to developing a nuclear weapon, but it’s not OK for Iran to set up a vassal state in Yemen, although the “president” supported the revolution there.

Then there is Israel. The “president” has repeatedly said that Israel is America’s strongest ally in the Middle East, yet he has repeatedly turned his back on Israel and even tried to unduly (and perhaps illegally) influence the election there by funneling US taxpayer money for an unsuccessful attempt to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The “president” has aided al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and from time to time, the Islamic State–all sworn enemies of Israel. James 1:8 says, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Indeed, this “president” has proven his double-mindedness. He has also shown himself as cunning and deceitful. None of these traits bodes well for our nation or others.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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