The Daily Jot: IS at US border–Of misinformation and lies

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Friday, April 17, 2015

IS at US border–Of misinformation and lies

It’s really difficult these days to distinguish between truth, lies and deception, especially when it concerns the US government. Prior to beginning The Daily Jot in January of 2002, I had worked as an award winning journalist for a major news organization. Our primary audience was the financial industry where our stories moved markets. It was drilled into us each day that we must have our facts right. We were required to have two unrelated sources confirming the same news event. There were three levels of editors that our stories passed through before being released on the wire–all in very competitive time. This is the same journalistic approach that is taken each day for The Daily Jot. I strive to be careful.

There has been a steady stream of reports from border-area media about Muslim prayer rugs, Arabic literature and other documentation indicating that Islamists have been crossing into the US. The current Administration has encouraged this “immigration.” There is also documentation that there are at least 23 terrorist training camps located across the US–something the FBI has known about since the Bush Administration, but has done nothing. Dearborn, Michigan and St Paul, Minnesota are essentially Muslim colonies where some of the most extreme anti-American teachings emanate from mosques each week. The Islamic threat from within this country is well-documented despite government inaction.

Some sources are tried and true. One such source is government watchdog Judicial Watch (JW). Tom Fitton and his crew are top-notch at what they do–which is often more than what Congress does–holding the government accountable. In the face of government denial, Homeland Security in particular, JW is documenting the existence of an Islamic State camp just eight miles from the Texas border. Immediately, websites like truthorfiction or snopes go into action printing government denials and discrediting sources. I don’t put much stock in these types of websites. Sometimes investigative stories take a while to develop and the government is not a good source on things it wants to keep quiet.

As an update on the JW story, JW reports that a “high-level intelligence source confirmed that the FBI called a special meeting at the US consulate in Ciudad Juarez to “to address a press strategy to deny Judicial Watch’s accurate reporting and identify who is providing information to JW. FBI supervisory personnel met with Mexican Army officers and Mexican Federal Police officials, according to JW’s intelligence source. The FBI liaison officers regularly assigned to Mexico were not present at the meeting and conspicuously absent were representatives from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).” JW is standing by its story despite the government denials. If only Congress were so diligent. There is a lot of smoke on this, and the fire may be forthcoming. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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