Wed. Morning Update: Urgent Prayer For Cowboy Clarence

Cowboy Clarence Montoya has been such an inspiration to Pastor Dewey and to so many others! Glory to God in the Highest!

UPDATE: Wed. update on the COWBOY!



I talked with Cowboy Clarence’s sister Juliet last night after the Doctors had run tests on the Cowboy. They found a bleeding ulcer, the bleeding has stopped. The Cowboy underwent a blood transfusion late last night because of all the blood he had lost. Lord Willing I will visit Clarence today. Please keep him in your prayers. I will keep you updated, Love to all, Pastor Dewey


About an hour ago when I was on the road 2:25pm,  Anita Montoya called me to tell me that her son Cowboy Clearance is in the main Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque. It seems that Clarence is bleeding internally and throwing blood up.  As many of you know the Cowboy is such a Dear friend of mine and Sharon’s and this ministry. He is part of FGGAM, he prayers over all the prayer needs we get. We have been together for about 12 years, first through the ARC of NM, then KKIM Radio and now FGGAM. Clarence always ministers wherever he goes, he is always asking me, “Who can I pray for Dewey.” Let us all gather together and pray healing over Cowboy Clarence Montoya of Socorro, NM. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!  When he can the Cowboy comes to hear me Preach! We love this man of God so very much! The Cowboy always has the world’s greatest smile, no matter what is going on in his life! Always has and always will…..a lesson for us all! Amen! This man has taught me much! When we would do the fund drive every year on KKIM for Orphans in Mozambique, Clarence was always first on the phone to give to the Orphans. Over time Cowboy has been on the radio and TV with me many times! He is a shining light for Jesus Christ! Cowboy Clarencecowboy


  1. We’re praying 4 u George. We love you, miss you and you are always in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless You.

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