VIDEO: Shirley Dobson Calls Americans to Prayer


Shirley Dobson Calls Americans to Prayer

Mrs. Shirley Dobson, Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, calls on Americans to unite before God in prayer. Watch her video message >>

Prayer for Supreme Court Marriage Decision

The eyes of many in the Church are watching closely an anticipated ruling in June by the Supreme Court of the United States regarding same-sex marriage. Many believe that this battle for the family and a traditional biblical view of marriage is already over. From a worldly perspective, that may be true. But we are a people of faith who put our trust in the Lord, not in courts, or presidents, or public opinion. The Word of God is filled with examples of God responding to the prayers of His people in miraculous ways that surprise a watching world. May He do it again as we humbly come before Him in prayer. We encourage you to pray though these points and scriptures regularly.

Here are some ways we might pray:  Keep reading this article >>


Prayer Begins With…The Holy Spirit

Rather than rushing into God’s presence and saying many things, it is good to quiet your mind and wait in God’s presence so you can feel God’s heart and pray the things that the Holy Spirit shows you to pray for (Habakkuk 2:1). God promises to renew the strength of those who wait patiently on Him (Isaiah 40:31; Psalm 27:14). Through this you express to God in a practical way “not my will but Yours be done.” If you are always talking in prayer, you will not be able to hear what God is saying.
Keep reading this article >>

The National Prayer Call

Join with prayer leaders from around the country as we pray for America. Simply use your touch-tone phone and call this number followed by the access code

  • APRIL 2, 2015
  • CALL: 712-432-0075, PIN: 4961322#
  • TIME: 9:00 – 10:30 p.m. Central Time

Learn more about daily and monthly prayer calls >>

Lives Are Being Changed

Students are uniting in prayer…#BecauseYouPrayed
More prayer gatherings in America than ever before#BecauseYouPrayed

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