A Job to Do, Send Me


A Job to Do, Send Mejesus-8283_640 By Betty Fritz in Elkhart, Indiana

In my last post, I decided to follow Jesus  I told you a little bit about myself and when I was saved. Before accepting Jesus as my Savior I had tried to read the Bible but had no understanding of what I read. It simply made no sense to me. All I got was so and so begat so and so. The thees, thines and thous had me all confused. Once Jesus was in the picture though I was able to read and understand exactly what it meant. I wanted to know as much about God as possible and add knowledge to my faith as it said to do.

The whole world took on a new beauty and I began to appreciate all He had blessed me with. I enjoyed going to church and hearing the Pastor preach… though I found Sunday School a bit too much like going to school. I told God it would be so much better if I had a job to do there and asked if He could give me one.

My mom had started teaching Sunday School in the nursery department with the 3 and 4 year-old kids. I asked her to ask if I could be her helper. The Nursery Director said she would ask, but she thought you had to be 18 years old to work with them. I was only 17 so… She asked and the church voted to allow me to be an assistant teacher.  God had given me a job…and provided me a place to fit in.

I have always loved being with children because they accept you as you are without judging. They love you and it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, if your teeth are crooked or whatever. I knew this was where God wanted me to be and I loved it! The best part was….and I know God planned it this way… that I had to learn the Bible stories in order to teach them to the children. My mom put me in charge of the hand work which was right up my alley. I spent hours every week getting ready for the next Sunday.

For the next 8 years I worked in the nursery department, was blessed to be the church secretary, helped to write the church constitution, worked with the bus ministry and taught Bible School.  Through it all I got to know and love some of God’s most faithful followers…my church family.

I like to call this period of my Christian life my “basic training” for what was to come.  Most importantly, I had gotten to know Jesus and felt Him in so many ways, leading and directing me in each decision. Recently He has again shown me the importance of sharing His love with those who have no idea what they are missing out on.

People seem to be content living life from day to day leaning on their own strength and oblivious to the fact that Jesus came to give us life… to save us from the evil that threatens our very existence. Now is not the time for us as Christians to shy away from our obligation to do what we can to take His message to the lost. Please join with me in praying for each other as doors of service are being opened that we all will have the courage to say “send me! I will do whatever you ask to help in bringing the Gospel to those who need to hear it.” May God give us the courage to step up and turn our country back to being a Christian nation. We all have a job to do and through the power of Jesus we can get it done!

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