American Values, End of Day, with Gary Bauer: The Left’s Pro-Abortion Extremism; Bush vs. Obama; Iran Is Mocking Obama



Thursday, May 14, 2015

From: Gary L. Bauer

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The Left’s Pro-Abortion Extremism

Yesterday the House of Representatives passed legislation that would stop most abortions performed in the fifth month of pregnancy or later. The bill passed 242-to-184. Barack Obama and Senate liberals immediately condemned the bill.

The White House issued a veto threat, saying the president “strongly opposes” the bill, which it labeled “an assault on a woman’s right to choose.”

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) blasted the bill as an “insult . . . to pregnant women facing a health crisis and to women everywhere.” Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) called it “extreme” and “dangerous.”

Let me remind you that the legislation is based on scientific research showing that babies in the fifth month of pregnancy are capable of feeling pain. If someone were slaughtering baby seals in utero, the left, which constantly lectures us about compassion and science, would be screaming bloody murder. (Pun intended.)

As for the legislation being an “assault on” or an “insult to” women, polling shows that 59% of women (and at least 60% of Americans) oppose abortions performed in the fifth month of pregnancy or later.

What is “extreme” is the position of the radical left that cannot think of one abortion it would prevent.

With your continued support, I promise to never stop fighting until America lives up to its promise in the Declaration of Independence and every child is guaranteed her “unalienable right to life.”

Bush vs. Obama

Jeb Bush has gotten a lot of attention lately for making a major foreign policy gaffe. The front page of today’s Washington Post reads: “Jeb Bush Stumbles On Iraq.” CNN labeled Bush’s remarks “clumsy.” Well, it’s hard to blame him. The former Florida governor has been out of public office for eight years.

But what is President Obama’s excuse? Mr. Obama made two serious gaffes yesterday, confusing names and history as he spoke to reporters in the Oval Office about his meeting with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.

First, the president called the crown prince by his father’s name. Then he said, “The United States and Saudi Arabia have an extraordinary friendship and relationship that dates back to Franklin Roosevelt and King Faisal.”

There’s just one problem with that: King Faisal took the throne in 1964 — nearly 20 years after FDR died. President Roosevelt met with King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, Faisal’s father.

Can you imagine the media’s reaction if George W. Bush had been so confused? Oddly, I couldn’t find any comment from the Washington Post or CNN about Obama’s stumbling.

My friend Elliott Abrams, a former deputy national security advisor, put it this way: Obama’s gaffes “will deepen the sense in the [Persian Gulf] and the wider Middle East that the President of the United States does not know what he is doing in their region.”

Iran Is Mocking Obama

Desperate for a nuclear deal with Iran, President Obama continues courting the ayatollah like a teenager desperate for a prom date. Yet each day brings new embarrassments for his administration. Just consider some of the news from the past 24 hours:


  • Obama insists that if Iran violates the new deal, sanctions will instantly be “snapped back.” But Russia’s ambassador to the U.N. disagrees, saying, “There can be no automaticity, none whatsoever.”
  • A major reason for negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program is to prevent a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. This deal does not do that, and everyone knows it. That’s why the Saudi’s and other Arab states are promising to match Iran’s nuclear capability. In other words, Obama is starting a nuclear arms race in the Middle East because no one trusts Obama to stop Iran.
  • In spite of current agreements and existing sanctions, Iran is still cheating. Yesterday the Czech Republic announced that it prevented Iran from buying “a large shipment of sensitive technology useable for nuclear enrichment.” Last month, Great Britain made a similar announcement.
  • Any idea what Iran might do with its nuclear program? We got a hint yesterday from Mojtaba Zolnour, a top advisor to Ayatollah Khamenei, who said: “The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has divine permission to destroy Israel. The noble Koran permits the Islamic Republic of Iran to destroy Israel.”This afternoon, the House of Representatives will vote on the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. The legislation will give Congress an opportunity to review any nuclear deal Obama signs with Iran.Unfortunately, like their Senate counterparts, House leaders are preventing any votes on important amendments, such as requiring Iran recognize Israel’s right to exist and renouncing support for terrorism.
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