Billy Graham’s Daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, Sounds The Alarm to Christians!


Billy Graham’s daughter is sounding an alarm to Christians across the nation, calling America’s Church to cry out to God in prayer and repentance.

Anne Graham Lotz says God is sending clear signs that His judgment is coming on America and the world.

She wrote on her website, “I believe Jesus is soon to return to take all of His followers to Heaven with Him in what is referred to as The Rapture,”

That’s why she’s launched the Mayday Prayer Initiative, a distress call for prayer.

Since May 15, she’s been asking Christians worldwide to pray one hour a day for the Church and America, focusing on praise and worship, confession and repentance, and spiritual warfare and intercession.

The initiative runs through May 23, the day before Pentecost Sunday.Anne_Graham_Lotz_(October_2008)

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