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Iranian General: Obama Has Done Nothing to Stop The Islamic State

Obama Lies


Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shi’ite terror militia Hezbollah, issued a statement Sunday warning that the US can do “nothing” to protect people in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq from the Islamic State (IS) terror militia. Calling for the popular mobilization of the populations in Arab Moslem countries throughout the region, he declaring in his interview with Beirut’s Daily Star newspaper “We are in front of a threat that does not tolerate the existence of others. It is wrong to say this is a Sunni-Shiite conflict. Some people in the region are still putting heads in the sand and denying these groups exists, or are considering them friends.” Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani, who is leading Shi’ite forces fighting IS in Iraq, issued a similar statement Monday. “Obama has not done a damn thing so far to confront Daesh: doesn’t that show that there is no will in America to confront it?” Soleimani said. Read More

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