Led by the Holy Spirit


Led by the Holy Spirit by David Christenson 

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. ~ 1 Peter 4:10 +++

Two times in the past month I have written about prison inmates and my interaction with them. It seems like I should write some more about that particular subject. It is something that I never would have expected myself to become involved with. But things can change when we talk to God and we are led by Him to make a difference in someone else’s life and wellbeing.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28 +++

Just a few days ago I received a letter from Bryan who is in a Texas prison and it filled my heart with joy when I read how putting God into his life had started giving his life more meaning and substance. When I was recovering a few years ago from traumatic injuries from a hit and run I started praying more. I never said, “Why me?” but instead I would say, “Why not me?” and I would ask God in my prayers for answers to why He would spare me when it so easily could have had such a different outcome. Because of these message exchanges from inmates and their families to me, I now think I know why I am still here. It seems like it was in God’s greater plan for this all to happen to me and for me.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. ~ John 15:13 +++

That includes helping bring the Word to one who didn’t know it at all or didn’t know it very well. I have had many contact me to let me know of their appreciation for what I have written about their loved ones and also the inmates themselves have contacted me. I pray every day that God will lead me and help me with putting words into my mouth and into my mind and to help me with the words that I type. I am convinced that the more we talk to God the more that He is a part of our heart and our lives. The more He is in our heart and our lives the more He talks to us and leads us.

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. ~ Philippians 4:13 +++holyspirit

I truly feel that God has been leading me the past few months with the words that I have written. I am living proof that if you’re asking yourself if you can make a difference, Yes, God can use YOU! God can use all things for good, we just need to be available! Be available….that is pretty much what happened to me. I did make myself available for God to use me and I asked Him to use me and to guide me to seek the right path.

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. ~ 2 Timothy 2:20-21 +++

About David Christenson: He is a lifelong resident of South Dakota, grew up on a farm north of Claremont and attended school in Amherst and Britton, graduating from Britton in 1977.

David married Gretchen Tisher in 1984. Gretchen is also a graduate of Britton and teaches math and drama at Britton-Hecla high school. David and Gretchen have two children. Zach is an engineer for Continental Ag in Norfolk, Nebraska and his wife Amanda is a nurse. Margo lives in Denver and works as a Marketing & Outreach coordinator for MyLifeLine.org, a cancer support not-for-profit entity.

David started a cow/calf operation in the 1980s and farmed on the family farm after his high school graduation until December of 1994 when he accepted a sales position at the John Deere store in Britton. David left the John Deere sales position in March of 2006 and became a licensed crop insurance agent in May of 2006. David also started a rental business in 2010 and remained in the cattle business until January of 2012.

David, age 55, has had some extraordinary circumstances in his life. He was run over by a farm tractor before age 6 and had three heart attacks a few months before turning 40. Then he suffered life threatening injuries a few months after turning 50 in a hit and run incident. David was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012 and skin cancer in 2014.

David started writing his recovery experiences on Facebook in December of 2009. Over the next four years those Facebook notes became what would become chapters in his book, “Why Are You Here?” which was published in December of 2013.

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