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Motivation Established –Now Press On, by Karen Rowe May 9, 2015

Jesus hopeAmen!  This started out as a response, and turned into a blog. Obviously, I was very much encouraged!  I will share this in the faith in which this began.  I hope this is a blessing to someone; and I hope this is a blessing to you!  Love in Christ, Karen


Motivation Established –Now Press On, by Karen Rowe May 9, 2015


Everything God has called me to do has required me to do something hard in my human nature, but light and easy in Christ.  As we grow in Christ, I will share that everything God calls me to do is still beyond my human capabilities alone & and many times, even human nature desires in some form or another, but always possible with God; and once I surrender, full of JOY in Christ!  God gets the glory that way!


When God is pressing on our heart to do something, we can’t let go of what we believe God wants us to do.  Doing the will of God is a part of who we are in Christ Jesus.  “Me in God and God in me.”  Yet, with every burden in Christ that is to do God’s will, there is also a doubt that will come to us; but that doubt is meant for us to overcome!  Knowing the difference is empowering!  Once our heart’s motive is pure for Jesus and certain, the hard part is making up our mind to Press On, by Believing in Faith to do what we know God has called us to do.


God calls us to reach beyond our comfort levels to grow in Christ, by growing also in our “most holy faith (Study also, Jude 1:20)”.  All we have to do is pray & show up with a willing heart trusting in God and also in Jesus; and do the many times “enduring and persevering work” that God calls us to do.  In our human nature, many times,  it is also work to believe in; and continue to believe in, the work that we are doing  for God.  In our human nature mind alone, sometimes doubting thoughts will come to us that we are meant to overcome; and can overcome!


An example might be a doubting thought, with a trace of believable / manipulated truth laced in, such as, “It is seemingly impossible that God would use what “I” can do (or have to offer) for His Glory to be seen?”  Satan will quickly offer you an alternative to using your faith to serve God!  Satan won’t say outright, “Stop, and follow me”, but he will offer you other solutions to accomplish the same, such as:  “Why bother, Later, Hurry up” are all tactical thoughts the enemy of God will use to get us to walk away from our trust in God; and also in Jesus!  Many times, doubts are easier to believe, because doubts have a trace of truth laced in with the deception!  Yet, Truth is pure and there is no lie in the Truth.  There is no lie in God; nor in His Son!


One doubting thought that Satan may ask you to entertain (with a purpose to delay or stop your faith) is, “Why would God have me do this or that?”  Satan will rush, and cause you to question, but God beckons us to work Today –not walk away!  “Be still and know that God is God”, but be ready to move in faith, for faith pleases God and without faith it is impossible to please God!  Today, as an admitted example, I am sharing this Today, because of the love God put in my heart to INVEST in you, by encouraging you in the power of God’s love that HE has for you!  Don’t think for a second that I wasn’t tempted to walk away from sharing this today.  What started out easy and free in faith, required faith to complete, and required faith to share.  What started out in joy, also required sacrifice to finish, but I have a joy; and am made complete by finishing my assignment with God that is for Today.


By trusting in God, and following Jesus (the WORD) by remaining in Christ Jesus our Lord by Grace, we can serve God by faith and not by sight.  Faith is sure of the hope that God has put in our heart; and certain God will do what we can’t see.  It is God who amazes us!  And, it God who equips us and enables us to do all things for His glory to be seen.  God has a purpose in using our faith to serve; that is for the benefit of those that He has drawn near to see the glory of our Living Father God, whom has sent us His Son.  Through our faith, God does miracles!  Miracles are for the benefit of those God draws near to see more than human minds could before conceive, in order to believe.  All things are possible with God.


It is a matter of seeing ourselves as God sees us; and HE will change our influence.


I have started a you-tube channel, which is beyond anything I would have ever desired; or even thought about doing.  I have been “practicing” learning my “method of teaching” that God has given to me, but it is easy to think about giving up –if that were to be possible?  I encourage others to also study with God in His Word:  Matthew 25:14-30  (Notice the words:  Our Master has entrusted to “us” his property. 15 To one he gave five talents,[b] to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability.


I agree, once we have stepped into God’s Glory, all we have to do is pray and Show up; and, Press on day by day in faith, believing in the power of God to do all good and righteous things that is according to His will.  God will do the work –If we will do our part and open our mind to believe; then walk by faith, not by sight, knowing we are pleasing God!


I just wanted to say that this email is a blessing and an encouragement to me to continue on according to my faith and ability that God has given to me; and all who will believe.


1 John 4:16 is a beautiful Scripture:

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.


Every piece of a puzzle is just as important –no matter the color, reveal, or shape of the piece.  For, without one piece shared, the puzzle is incomplete in the fullness of the view of what is meant to be seen in the fullness of the picture that the puzzle is revealing.  Every believer in Christ (The Church) has a gift to share with the world –for God’s glory to be revealed for the benefit of those God calls near to see.


Do you see yourself as God sees you?  It is God who gives us influence and we can trust God, whom does know all things.


If you have doubt in your ability or vision from God, I will share two of my personal mottos that God gave to me; and now also for you to use, “I don’t have it all figured out, BUT God does … Follow Jesus!”  “Faith Works Best when we remember God KNOWS MORE!” 


We don’t have to figure all things out to serve God well.  We have the gift of faith. God is God.  Know His Character; Trust in Him; and Shine your light for Jesus.  We can Trust God and trust that God has a good plan for us –and all who are seeking to know Him.  Follow Jesus and abide in THE WORD, which is from the beginning and our knowledge that God is LOVE; and He is faithful.  If God calls you to it, He will be the provisions through it!


I hope this is a blessing to encourage others as well.  “If” God has given us a story, then we have a story to tell.  The matter of faith is, will you believe God has given you a story!


Love in Christ & all for His Glory,

Karen Rowe

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love

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