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Saudi Arabia Seeks to Acquire Nuclear Deterrent Against Iran

A senior US official told The Sunday Times newspaper over the weekend that Saudi Arabia is making serious moves towards acquiring nuclear weapons as it watched the negotiations with Iran that, in their assessment, make it virtually inevitable that the Islamic Republic will soon posses The Bomb. “For the Saudis the moment has come,” the former US defense official said. “There has been a long-standing agreement in place with the Pakistanis and the House of Saud has now made the strategic decision to move forward…the fear is that other Middle Eastern powers – Turkey and Egypt – may feel compelled to do the same and we will see a new, even more dangerous, arms race.” Meanwhile, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made a fiery speech Saturday in which he declared that his government would “protect” the Palestinians and other oppressed peoples in the region. Read More

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