The Daily Jot: Early election results

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.


NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Early election results

While it is very early in the presidential election cycle, there are some things that are coming clear pretty quickly. As a veteran and successful political media consultant for over 14 years, one thing I have learned is how to “smell a rat.” In Christian circles, we might call it “discernment.” There are so many times these days that Christians sit on the sidelines because the candidate choice does not come close to the Biblical standards of character and leadership. Not wanting to vote for the “lesser of two evils” is then the vote. Hence, America suffers a continuous sliding scale of increasingly poor leadership, not only at the presidential level, but also at the local and state levels. Christians can change all that.

Even with PEW Research saying that Christianity is on the decline in America, down to 70.8% of the population, this is a very powerful voting block. Unfortunately, the weakness in the pulpit, the emotional, self-indulgent, and extra-biblical state of the church, and the unwillingness of many to preach the word as it pertains to sin and accountability, has resulted in Christianity being divided. This has allowed cunning politicians to unite diverse voting blocks–women’s rights, racial equality, gender/gay rights, animal rights, environmentalists, etc., and marshall them into election victories. As Christ said in Mark 3:25, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

My approach is to line up my two or three best choices for each office and weigh them against Biblical standards, especially of character and leadership, then choose the closest one. In my opinion, this is one of the ways we are going to incrementally get this nation back to any standard of biblical morality. The other ways include getting involved in the party of your choice (also one that should fit biblical standards) and take part in selecting the candidates–local, state, national. Christians, as a united block have a lot of power. This is why the major candidates for the Republican Party are making their rounds to the churches and speaking about God and country. You don’t hear that much from the Democratic Party.

There is one candidate, however, that stands out among all the rest. It is Hillary Clinton. No other candidate in the current field is as morally bankrupt, unethical and corrupt. Her involvement in the deaths of those men in Benghazi alone should land her in jail. Her latest scandal of using a private email for her official State Department correspondence would land most anyone except the privileged in jail. Who knows what State secrets are in the hands of America’s enemies. The list of her corrupt dealings span decades. In my personal opinion she is no less than Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar, who in Daniel 5:27, is “weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” The devil is a liar and deceiver, and Clinton aligns accordingly. For me, the early election results are in, and Hillary Clinton stands alone.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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