Today is Pentecost Sunday!


Not too many Christians are aware of today’s place on the biblical calendar.
Today is the biblical holiday of Shavaout or Pentecost.
Believers in Jesus
often overlook this day that held great meaning for the Apostles as they
gathered on Solomon’s porch in the Temple as the Holy Spirit of God came down as
a rushing wind much like He did so long ago on the same day on Mt Sinai.
It is
ironic that today those who call themselves Pentecostals do not observe
Every believer should observe this day as the Apostles did, with
prayer and bible reading while looking for His return. They were gathering every
day in the Temple looking to the mount of Olives for His return, are we?

More here: More on Pentecost Sunday with Pastor Dewey


Please listen to this: PODCAST: From My Heart on Pentecost Sunday

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