American Values, End of Day, with Gary Bauer: As Obama Weakens, Iran Gets Tougher; Summary Of The Obama Era; Slavery Today



Wednesday, June 24, 2015

From: Gary L. Bauer

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As Obama Weakens, Iran Gets Tougher

Every day, as the June 30th deadline nears, brings a new U.S. concession in the Iranian nuclear talks. Predictably, Iran meets each new concession with its own new demands.

Yesterday, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejected a freeze on nuclear research, insisted inspectors not be allowed on Iranian military sites and demanded all sanctions on Iran be lifted BEFORE a final deal is signed.

At this rate we will be agreeing to shut down our nuclear weapons program before the negotiations are over.

Summary Of The Obama Era

You’ve seen the stories. Sensitive personal information on millions of U.S. government employees has been compromised in a massive Chinese hack. There is widespread outrage and concern.

The head of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the agency responsible for maintaining the information, testified before a Senate committee yesterday. Conceding that the hackers were from China, senators asked OPM Director Katherine Archuleta who in the Obama Administration was responsible for the lax protections of sensitive data.

Ms. Archuleta didn’t hesitate in her response: “I don’t believe anyone is personally responsible.”

There it is, folks. Seven words that sums up the wreckage of the Obama years.

Slavery Today

In speeches and in this daily report, I have often urged our friends to take a moment to read and share with their families President Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address. It is only one page long.

When Lincoln delivered it he was, in many ways, a broken man, made so by presiding over the bloodletting of the Civil War, in which more than 600,000 Americans died.

In that single page, Lincoln mentions or refers to God and the Bible a dozen times. He ponders the possibility that God, being just, might permit the war to continue until enough blood had been shed, North and South, to equal the blood drawn by the slave master’s lash.

He ends by extending an extraordinary hand of reconciliation to the defeated South, “With malice toward none, with charity for all. . .”

Now 150 years later, the kind of deep reflection and thinking that marked Lincoln’s rhetoric and informed his actions is virtually a relic.

Our current president just went on a show called “WTF” and used the “N word.” Our leftist elites are acting like the future of America is dependent on the status of the Confederate flag and claiming their own moral superiority.

My friend Bill Kristol is taking fire today because he dared to point out the naked hypocrisy of the left’s posturing. Slavery is long gone in America, but it is experiencing a revival around the world. Everywhere ISIS and other Islamist groups spread, slavery advances.

Remember “Bring Back Our Girls”? Those Nigerian girls were seize by Boko Haram and sold into sexual slavery. Religious and ethnic minorities that fall under the authority of radical Islam are being enslaved throughout Africa and the Middle East.

Conservatives have argued that we have a moral obligation to defeat the modern Islamist slave traders and liberate their slaves. It is a liberal president and his left wing supporters who won’t use the power of the United States to stop slavery in 2015.


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