Our Country Needs Bold Christianity


cross4Our Country Needs Bold Christianity

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.” Ezekiel 22:30-31

By Bud and Tara Shaver

On Friday the U.S. Supreme Court continued their ruthless assault on biblical truth and the God designed family unit by legalizing homosexual marriage in all 50 states of America. The SCOTUS has made homosexual marriage a constitutional right.

As we live the Christian life we are called to be holy and live lives that are counter cultural. We believe that this ruling should open our eyes to two very important points.

The first is that this is the result of a mostly passive Christianity that has permeated our nation in recent generations, there clearly exists a Christian sub-culture-which is good. However, in this sub-culture many Christians are oblivious to how Satan is permeating the culture at large. Our Christianity must be lived out boldly and pro-actively in order to oppose Satan’s lies and transform our culture with the light of biblical truth. In a very similar way, the future of our country, just like the babies scheduled to die in abortion clinics desperately need us to live out our Christian faith radically by proclaiming truth, exposing and opposing evil, and offering real alternatives and an abundant life through Christ. Our country just like the babies will not have a future otherwise!

Second, and equally important is the fact that we are at war. The Christian worldview is systematically under attack on every front. This attack is purposeful and the goal is to destroy lives and everything that is sacred and pleases God. As Christians we know from Genesis 3 what Satan’s goal is, and that is to pull people away from serving God and instead believe his lies and serve him. This can only be done if the fabric of God’s character and biblical commands are undermined. Satan’s lies are advancing and permeating our nation.

We must realize that the Supreme Court has just codified in law the legal and mandatory persecution of Christians in our country. They say the Civil War was fought against the Southern States because they refused to accept the rights of African Americans. Will the Federal Government now wage war a second civil war against Churches, Christians, and States who refuse to comply with accepting the constitutional right of homosexuals?

Bud is an ordained minister and we WILL NEVER COMPLY! We must obey God’s law not man’s. Our country needs us to live bold righteous lives…Remember the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah NEEDED at least 10 righteous people for God not to bring judgement. We must fight back in the spiritual realm against the dark forces that wage war against us as God’s people…by doing so our country will have a future!

While the outlook is bleak and many wonder if this ruling indicates that God is removing His favor and blessings on our nation for many reasons, one reason being the legalized child killing that has continued for 42 years, we must not lose heart. We have the chance to stand in the gap just as Moses boldly did and use our urgent prayers and our bold lives to help prevent God’s judgment of our nation.

“[God] said he would destroy them— had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him, to turn away his wrath from destroying them.” Psalm 106:23

Those of us who are unwavering in our faith have a duty to rise up and be an even louder Christian voice in this world. The battle IS NOT over, not until the Son comes back, so we implore each of you to join us as voices of truth and living sacrifices and to hold up the name of Jesus Christ above all other names….our very future in America depends upon it!

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