Good Morning Beautiful People…Another Story



Good Morning Beautiful People.  I just had to share another story.

After work last evening, I was reading the post by Rick Stambaugh, Light Has No Shadow and I said right out loud to myself, I just love this. The scripture Mr. Stambaugh shared 1 John 1:5 along with a picture of a bright light beaming from a flashlight stirred something inside of me.  Then I remembered a writing from over two years ago, I had penned. I originally wrote this post in June 2013 and posted under A Morning Cup of Hope for Dewey’s Daily Cup.

My home seemed a bit quieter than usual last evening as I was eating my dinner. I soon discovered it was because there was no telephone ringing. I had left behind my cell phone in my desk drawer.  I decided I would go back just in case I needed it sometime in the night. A big green flashlight caught for my attention as I glanced over on my passenger car floor.  I’m not sure where it came from, it may have fallen out of a box, as I helped my daughter move a month or so ago.  However, it spurred me on to share this writing once again.

The Flashlight and the Light of the World (June 1, 2013)

I love to write about my grandchildren.  I was preparing to take Mason and Evan my two grandsons to church with me a month or so ago. We started at 5am to get ready for the service that started at 10am. Mason almost four now along with a very strong mind of his own I might add, didn’t want the dress outfit his mom had packed and thought his jeans and white t-shirt was sufficient. After much coaxing I was able to get a sweater over the t-shirt.  It was 10:15 and we were still working on the socks. He advised me due to the lines on the socks he was not going to wear them. So I advised him he could not take his boots off at church. So with his bare feet in fireman boots along with Evan dressed like a king, we headed to Family Christian Center to worship and hear the Word of the Lord.

I managed to sing a few songs and then came the prayer. I closed my eyes as Evan was vast asleep in his carrier snuggled next to me and Mason sitting on the pew, quietly. I added my prayer along with the others as we petitioned the creator of the universe. I was a bit tired and enjoyed the stillness and the connection for just a few moments. I love to pray and I believe in it so very much, I wanted to be sure to add mine.

I opened my eyes to find Mason had unzipped his backpack and taken out his flashlight. He was shining it all around at the people with closed eyes. I might add he was standing proudly in his bare feet!  I laugh when I think about it. It was a sight to behold as he shined the light up the rows and across the pews on each praying parishioner.

It brings to the forefront of my mind this chilly evening in Northern Maine about the scripture in John 8. He states I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. I remember living in the darkness, and would never go back. I have traded it for walking in the light. John 12 states that Jesus has come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in him should stay in darkness.  In Psalms it says that the Lord is a lamp unto my feet, and a lamp unto my path. Oh, how I love the scriptures, hard to put into words how they nourish the soul.

Someday, my grandchildren will come to the road of decision in the path they will walk. I pray they will choose to live a life of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray each and every day for that.  We all have our own will and He won’t force His upon us.

Sometimes we don’t want to accept Him, in fear we won’t have our own way. Just to find we believed a lie and walking in the light is a much richer life.

Tonight Lord, I pray you warm the hearts of your people. Light a fire in the hearts of those that the enemy of their soul has snuffed out, once again I pray. Draw man unto yourself and let revival fires fall. From the north to the south to the west to the east we say blaze spirit blaze. Turn darkness into light, I pray.

I won’t forget that Sunday for a very long time, Mason and his firemen boots and flashlight.  I wonder what will be in the backpack next…

Since the time of this writing I have been blessed with two more grandsons, Emmett and Jaxson. One born with a full head of hair and one born completely bald. I guess it’ll soon be time for grandma to shop for a few more backpacks.

Have A Blessed Day Beautiful People….Shine Your Light…..








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