The Daily Jot: Political dealings and back room smoke

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.


NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Political dealings and back room smoke

A lot of smoke-filled back room political dealing is going on as the Republicans in Congress are bent toward handing wide-sweeping and unconstitutional powers to the “president” through the so-called Trade Promotion Authority. Friday, the bill was voted down with the help of Democrats and Republicans who haven’t lost their minds. The “president’s”  minions and a cadre of his GOP lapdogs, however, are making another run at it this week. Now they have decided to entice Democratic votes for the trade pact with a tax increase on small businesses and language that gives the IRS more authority to penalize small business owners on technicalities. Yes, Republicans throwing small business under the bus!

Christians are in a quandary. Since the Reagan Revolution, Christians have been voting largely Republican because they give lip service to keeping God in the public square, standing for traditional marriage, firmly against abortion. But the Republican record on their collective votes regarding the economy has been dismal. It was George W. Bush who started the whole quantitative easing–the federal government using your tax dollars to bail out Wall Street brokers to the tune of billions per month. This strategy to prop up the economy was placed on steroids under the current “president” in a massive effort to redistribute wealth. Republicans didn’t vote for socialist health care, but they did little to stop it.

On the speaking trail, Republican leaders hit God and country issues that tug on the heartstrings of middle class Christian America. In the Washington, DC smoke-filled back rooms, they play the political game with the liars and deceivers. It seems they do not understand that they were elected to stand for what is right, not make deals that would have been worse if they hadn’t negotiated. There are times when it is not in the best interest of citizens to negotiate, but rather to stand firm. It appears, they are too involved in playing the game, instead of doing the right thing. At least the Democrats are honest about their immoral and ungodly agenda. Republicans get elected and then they join in the depravity.

When the “church” became so self-indulgent and extra-biblical, it abrogated many of its duties to the government. Instead of engaging society with the good news of the gospel, the “church” has pulled back. It has largely become a self-help club that people join, and, “oh by the way,” they talk about Jesus once in a while, but don’t really know him and why he did what he did, or what Christians are supposed to do as a light to others. Hence, deception makes easy prey. First and foremost, we must listen to the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Then we must begin changing society by letting our light so shine before men. It took us a while to get in this condition, it will take a while to restore our nation. But we need to start now and we need to be aggressive about it.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and

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