Christian Broadcaster Dan Rosecrans Starts Internet Radio Station!


Having been in radio almost all my life, I used to “play” radio when I was a child, dreaming up talking to the world from a microphone. God had me start at the Minnesota News Network in the late 70’s and then three years ago He called me out to form For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, so here we are today! This brings me to our Dear Friends Dan and Laura Rosecrans. After many years in radio, like myself, Dan has left KDAZ Radio here in Albuquerque.  He and Laura have answered the call from God to start an internet Christian Radio Station. They are answering the call that God has placed on their hearts. They are being bold for Jesus Christ. This so much reminds me of me leaving KKIM and Sharon being right by my side, forming a team in ministry, just like Laura and Dan. What a team for Jesus Christ! There is nothing like a married couple in step with our Lord! POWERFUL! Like DYNAMITE! Let us keep Dan and Laura in our prayers! We are grateful partners with The H.U.B. I love 2 Peter 1: 10-11……Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Dan and Laura

Here is the announcement sent to me by Dan and Laura……….hub nm copy

Finishing well means finishing my life in the right relationship with my God, my spouse, family, fellow man and the work God gave me to do.” Bruce Peppin


Laura:  Friends…there has been much ado about what the future holds for my Husband, Dan Rosecrans, and myself. God has laid many things on our hearts in just the past few months.  First and foremost our primary focus is to serve our great and mighty God.

Dan:  I have been blessed to be on the radio in New Mexico for over thirty years.  From Family Life Radio to AM730 I have loved every moment of ministering.  I love New Mexico and I am, at heart, a Broadcaster – one whose truest joy is found laboring with words and trying to communicate the truth of God.

Laura:  Both of us love the Land of Enchantment and feel our great state has been abandoned and pushed to the side for what others consider are “bigger and better” things. New Mexico has much to offer and much of which to be proud.

Dan:  What has God led us to do?  We are starting a very unique radio station that can be accessed anywhere in the state, the nation, the world.  We are bringing a LOCAL, Christian radio station to your neighborhood via the Internet.

Laura:  The station will focus on New Mexico…New Mexico people, New Mexico ministries, New Mexico businesses, New Mexico news and New Mexico events. We are calling it The H.U.B. of New Mexico. H.U.B. stands for His United Body. The center of The Hub stands for our precious Savior and the spokes that lead to it represent the people of New Mexico being united as one. Our mission is to SERVE the population of New Mexico and to help assist God’s people in accomplishing what God has called them to do.  An extra joy for us is a partnership we are developing with Pastor Dewey Moede and For God’s Glory Alone Ministries – FGGAM.  Yes, we’ll even provide a microphone for Dewey to jump in on the conversation every now and again!

Dan:  Praise and Worship For The Land of Enchantment is something you will soon hear on our new station.  The music will take bring you into the presence of God and bring back a lot of great memories.  Our desire is to provide a platform for New Mexico ministries, teachers, pastors and musicians from around the State to bring encouragement, hope and insight.

Laura:  We love New Mexico but most importantly…GOD LOVES NEW MEXICO!

Dan:  Recently, Laura and I sat down and read the entire book of Nehemiah.  A section jumped out at me.  Nehemiah states during the tense, dangerous days of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, “The work is great and extensive and we are separated far from one another”.  This is a perfect description of the Land of Enchantment.  We want to bring people together physically and spiritually.  Our heart is to be a catalyst to see what God can do with His United Body.

Laura:  So…we invite you to join us on our journey that began with a leap of faith from a VERY high cliff – with both of us quitting our jobs in faith – and walk with us in prayer as we trust that our God will guide and provide all our needs as we launch out in obedience to Him. We will keep you up to speed step by step on our new Facebook page. Like us at to keep informed!

Dan:  If you sense God’s moving you to partner with us in this endeavor or you have questions, contact me:    

Our website will be up soon and not long after that some amazing programming that will unite His Body all across New Mexico.  So get ready, New Mexico, the HUB is about to roll!


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