Come Join Us in Reserve for God’s Glory Alone Revival!


Beautiful Catron County! God has poured his rain down! How green it is! Great day yesterday in our Lord at the Reserve Baptist Church! Awesome worship and praise! Preached on EMOTIONS! Have an ACTION PLAN! Here is what ACTION STANDS FOR: A acknowledge the emotion,  C onsider why you have it,  T hank God that He will help you master it,  I dentify the Biblical response to it,  O bey the Holy Spirit’s leading,  N uture the appropriate fruit of the Spirit. Always have a Biblical response to everything thrown at you in life! AMEN! Getting ready for the Revival August 14 15 and 16 all are welcomed!! All denominations, All Pastors, If you do not belong to a Church or you want to know more about this man Jesus, please come! We will bathe you in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ! We start at 7pm Friday night on August 14th! Let’s fill the house of God! August is also a special month here at FGGAM, we will be 3 years young, Lord Willing! To all my friends in Reserve please promote the Revival, Stacey Dempsey and others have done a great work in handing out flyers, yesterday David was doing the same. Seeds are being planted and the harvest is soon. I took this picture yesterday outside of Aragon, NM in Catron County on my way to Church. Was up at 3am to do the website postings and got home at 5:30pm to my bride Sharon and doggys Reno and Daisy! Thank you for your prayers for Reno, he is recovering from the removal of masses, please pray no cancer. I also found out yesterday that Glenn Kellogg, a member of the Church, is at the VA hospital in Albuquerque with bone cancer. Glenn served our country in Vietnam. Please pray for healing! In Jesus name, AMEN!

I have already been asked when will the audio be up of my sermon yesterday! We will try to get it up this week, as soon as possible, thank you for your patients!

The Reserve community is coming together, serving our Lord in many ways, God is at work in Reserve and Catron County, I see it everywhere! Churches working together for God. Revival is working on what God is already doing! Amen!

Please keep us in your prayers Amen!

Click on the Revival flyer to enlarge. Reserve Revivalrevival

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