Torch Bearers For Our Lord Jesus


Diana and I congratulate Pastor Dewey Moede and For God’s Glory Alone Ministries on their 3rd anniversary.  Little did we know the outreach and impact of this step of faith.  AND, it was such a step of faith.  Three years ago Pastor Dewey left a full time job as manager of  KKIM Radio and moved his office to his home.  From there this step of faith has mushroomed into a full time job of reporting the news from a Biblical perspective, preaching in congregations, ministering via emails, counseling the bereavement, counseling those who have marriage problems, performing weddings and funerals, and much, much more.  The phone never stops ringing and the ministry of FGGAM continues 24/7.  Pastor Dewey and FGGAM is such a Torch Bearer for our Lord Jesus Christ in New Mexico, the USA and around the world.   This small ministry run from the home of Pastor Dewey is the Number 1 Christian News source in New Mexico.  The web site, receives almost a half million hits per month with 23,000 the highest in one day.  The web site has a library of thousands of articles and devotions written by the team of over 40 writers that have touched people around the world and are read every day.  Some articles,  years old, are read over and over many years later.  Praise God.  Someone once said, “little is much when God is in it”.  How true this is for these Torch Bearers for our Lord Jesus Christ.  So, today, Diana and I say, “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY”.  “FOR GOD’S GLORY ALONE”!  We are praying for you, Pastor Dewey and continue to pray that God will encourage you mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially as FGGAM continues to be such a huge Torch Bearer for our Lord Jesus Christ.


Pastor Leonard and Diana Navarre

Valley View Christian Church

Edgewood, NM 87015

Pictured below is Pastor Leonard and Diana Navarre and Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede


Reserve-RevivaldeweyandsharonLeonard and Diana 3

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