Christians in Syria Flee From Islamic State



Christians in Syria flee from IS
The village of Sadad in central Syria has been almost completely emptied of its Christian residents following an assault by the Islamic State (IS) terror militia on nearby Qaryatain which included the abduction of about 230 people, including dozens of Christians. In related news, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters on Sunday that it is a mistake for the UN Security Council to investigate reports that the Assad regime is continuing to illegally use weaponized chlorine in the ongoing multi-faceted war in Syria. “This problem was successfully resolved,” he insisted. “We must avoid unfounded accusations.” Finally, six US Air Force F-16’s arrived at Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey over the weekend, the first of what is expected to be a growing fleet of aircraft using the base to strike at the Islamic State (IS) terror militia in Syria and northern Iraq.

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