Friends of FGGAM: Horizon Small Engine Repair


Bob the goatOne of the stops I made yesterday in Edgewood, NM  was at Horizon Small Engine Repair to see FGGAM supporter Brian Mareau! What a blessing Brian is to the Edgewood area, East Mountains, Moriarty, Estancia even the Albuquerque Metro area.Friends-of-FGGAM Brian services all makes and models of lawn mowers, chainsaws, trimmers, weed eaters, etc….anything with a small engine! Brian was able to fix my 15 year old lawn edger! For excellent service, Horizon Small Engine Repair in Edgewood, New Mexico! As we used to say back home, “Brian is honest as the day is long.” Godly honest!

This scripture fits Brian’s customer service……Ephesians 6:7……..Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people

FGGAM is aided very much in our efforts by supporters like Brian!

Bob the goat, the mascot at Horizon, asks that when you come by, bring sunflower seeds, he loves them! LOL!

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