My Journey With Cancer, Part 15


My Journey With Cancer, Part 15 by David Maddox

This past week could be labelled Encouragement Week as it began with the opportunity to preach about revival and continued the miracle of my blood chemistry being near normal such that I felt good and was able to eat and enjoy it – and NO medical appointments were required.  It was a whole week without needing any medical folks’ help.  It ended with a visit from Lindsay (our eldest) with her youngest Salem. David and Ashley joined with us and yesterday we were able to SKPE with Seth and Meredith and their kids so with the exception of Sarah we were all together at least electronically.  The miracle of family continues to amaze me. We had such fun with Lindsay and Salem.  She was the one grandchild that because of our circumstances we had not really gotten to know – but now we do.  God is so good.


This morning Lindsay left for the airport and I am at the cancer doctors for another chemo infusion.  They checked my blood and your prayers continue to be answered as the blood remains close to normal.  We have finally been approved for the shot to increase red blood cell production but because of God’s answers to your prayers that procedure is not now required, but now that it is approved we have it as an option if ever needed.  I also got a report on the test they ran to see if there was bleeding internally and the results were negative – Praise the Lord.


We met today with the nurse in charge of our care and now have a sort term plan.  We will do three more chemo infusions (today being the first of the three) and then will have a CT Scan to evaluate the success of the chemo – and if necessary to make a change in treatment.  That Scan is currently scheduled for September 28th and the doctor’s evaluation for September 30th.  It is exciting to have a plan and we look forward to the CT Scan and doctor’s evaluation so we can celebrate what God has done in response to all of the prayers we have received these many months of the battle.


Spiritually God has been affirming the importance of doing exactly what He says – as He says it – and when He says it.  The revival sermon opportunity is a good example.  He made it clear that I was to carefully say what He gave me exactly as He gave it with no additions or changes – and to look for approval only from Him remembering what Paul wrote – “If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10b).  As I wrote last week that time was such an encouragement.  I obeyed and was filled with joy.  It was so good to be back doing ministry – it is such a privilege.  I have missed being able to pour into more of the Body of Christ.  We have had wonderful opportunities here but we know there is more.  And last Sunday God added fellowship with special friends over the years.  So thankful for that day of encouragement for Janet and I.  It just increases our desire to be freed of the prison of cancer as soon as God will allow so we can get about what we feel call to do with Time to Revival and elsewhere as God directs – and to be able to join more fully in God’s revival effort here in Arizona.


Lindsay shared what God had told her as she sought to pray for healing during the time I had the infection and the battle over the last two months.  I can’t say it exactly as she did but the jest of the interaction with God (what prayer really is) was that God told her that was the wrong prayer.  That she did not want me as I am but as I will be when He finishes what He is doing in me.  I have received the same message over these months.  God wants to change me and until He is finished I will not be free of this cancer.  God has also shown me that there are things I must give up – not because they are sin – but they stand in the way of Him accomplishing what He wants to do in me and through me.  It is a little like being a Nazirite.  He specifically reminded me of Samson saying in effect if I am unwilling to give up or again later take up these additional things then I will lose His power at work in me and through me – like Moses who was so close to getting to fulfill his mission of bringing the children of Israel into the promise land and in a moment lost everything by “not upholding (God) as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel” on that single occasion.  It cost him both his life and his ministry (Numbers 20:12).  All of this affirms what we have believed from the beginning.  This cancer is a vehicle God is using to change me so that He may use us to complete the work He has for us.  It also says to me – based on both Scripture and history – that what He wants to do that we will (or can) have a part in of some nature is really important to the advance of the Kingdom in these dark days – and thus it is important to live in the fear of the Lord.  So the prayer requests for this week is that I do whatever is required to allow God to finish in me what He is seeking to accomplish – and teach me what it is that He is seeking to teach me – that I will be prepared to be used and can be freed from this cancer and used to advance His Kingdom purposes and bring Him glory.  Thank you again for your faithfulness in prayer.  He hears and answers.


About David Maddox – After a legal career in both Texas and Arizona that spanned over 40 years as a civil litigator, God called David to leave his law practice and work full time as Discipleship Director for Time to Revive.  That call is really the fruit of decades of prayer for revival and teaching God’s Word, writing discipleship materials and seeking to make disciples.  David married Janet Whitehead in 1976 and they minister together from their Phoenix home.  God has blessed them with four children and thus far seven grandchildren.

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