New Mexico in Turmoil: “My Heart is Breaking, Like a Child Gone Wrong”


News and Views-DeweyI was exchanging text messages with a friend last night who is a leader in our state, and no I did not send any dumb text messages, I sent them to the right person and did not say anything nasty, unlike the last two Albuquerque School Superintendents!!!

The latest horrific news report out of the state of New Mexico: Secretary of State Dianna Duran Accused of Fraud, Embezzlement, money laundering and other crimes!

That left my heart aching and I am just plain stunned, as I have interviewed Dianna when I was with KKIM radio, she was always so sincere to me. My friend who has fought hard for the people of New Mexico for years is also stunned, but said Attorney General Hector Balderas would not charge the Secretary of State if he did not have a case.

I pray that the charges against Secretary Duran are false.

I pray for people to give their lives to Jesus Christ, the only answer, politics is not the answer.

Crazy man Donald Trump is not the answer, it greatly concerns me the amount of Christians that support this man! Republicans are not the answer, Democrats are not the answer, the Tea party is not the answer, Jesus Christ is the only answer. Our instruction book is found in the Bible, not in man.

My friend sad, “My heart is breaking, like a child gone wrong”

All this horrific news from violent crime, murder after murder, the sewer of corruption overflowing into the streets from Albuquerque Public Schools and now this,  is affecting my health, physically and mentally, it’s like watching the meltdown of New Mexico, scandal after scandal, murder after murder.

This deal at APS stinks to high Heaven!

Then the Mayor of Albuquerque, Richard Berry, has the nerve to go on TV and say the APS Board of Education better hurry up and make a decision on Supt. Valentino so WE can get back to educating our children???!!!??!! Excuse me Mr. Mayor, our Teachers have not stopped doing their jobs!!!!!Despite the mess you so called leaders have made of our City and State.

Excuse me again Mr. Mayor, you have your own mess to clean goodness your city is a mess, including thugs shutting down I-25 last Sunday! people killing innocent people every month in your City. You really don’t have any room to talk! You have a leadership problem in your Police Dept! lawsuit after lawsuit, police officers suing their own Dept, citizens suing the Police Dept. and on and on….What is the latest dollar tally on lawsuits, Mr. Mayor do you keep track?  Your city is the abortion capital of America, maybe the world! How about those babies being killed in your City? They don’t even get a chance to be educated! How come you do not speak up for these babies? How come you do not call for the end of these killings?

But you have time to get on TV and make a call out to the APS Board?

Where is your leadership Mr. Mayor?

It’s time to face the cold hard facts of reality and the death of babies in Albuquerque!

God is not a God of chaos, confusion……1 Corinthians 14:33 teaches us……For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints

This chaos, confusion goes all the way up to Governor Martinez’s office, as she remains silent on abortion also.

Do they not hear the cry of these babies?


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Albuquerque Police Officer sues APD

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