Are Pastors afraid to rebuke people? Are you afraid to rebuke people? Rebuke in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you afraid of being accused of being a hateful Pastor? Our instructions are in The Letter of Paul to Titus. It seems to me if we were following God’s instructions on rebuking we would not be in the deep hole of sin we are in. Today I had to rebuke a Pastor, very sternly, and he thanked me for it. Many get tied up in situations where they get into counseling that is not biblically based and if a Pastor or family member rebukes them in the way Paul instructs us, they get accused of being hateful. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the word and ways of God we rebuke in the love of Jesus Christ, not hate. The instruction for leadership, including rebuking others is found in the book of Titus. This is what I discuss with you today in my podcast.