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PODCAST: From My Heart, The Desire For God

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This morning I want to talk to you about your desire for God! What is the most glorious thing that we can see or find upon earth? Nothing less than God himself. And what is the most glorious thing that we can and need to do every day? Nothing less than to seek , to know, to love and to praise this glorious God. As glorious as God is, so is the glory that begins to work in the heart and life of every woman and man who gives their life to God. Please now listen to my podcast. I thank the Lord for The HUB of New Mexico who finds these podcasts worthy enough to play at 11am and 3pm weekdays. God has and is performing miracles in my life daily. Oh how I love you Lord! PRAISE BE TO GO! Give your heart to God.

Please read Titus 1: 7-16

Isaiah 26:9

Psalm 63:1, 8

Psalm 119:10

Psalm 40:1

Reference Andrew Murray Devotional

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