What is Revival?


Reserve-RevivalReserve Baptist ChurchI asked Pastor Bill Ruhl of Global Destiny Ministries and Vice-Chairman of FGGAM to set the stage for Revival in in Reserve, New Mexico August 14, 15, and 16.  Revival 2015


Revival is not a church event, but a lifestyle for believers. It is not something you do, but something you become. Revival is the life giving Spirit breath being breathed into you. Those that were asleep awaken and those that were dead in their trespasses receive resurrection life. Revival happens when those who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, respond to the Savior’s voice, and “Come Forth”!

Revival is about pursuing God’s presence daily, at every occasion, in every circumstance, so much so that the atmosphere shifts and the culture around you changes. We don’t pursue revival for the Church, God pursues the Church to participate with Him in revival for their community. When revival comes the Church is awakened from its slumber and that activity in turn causes the community around it to arise from the dead.

My favorite scripture for this revival understanding is:      Eph 5:14 – “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” (NKJV) Awaken church, come alive you who are dead in your understanding, and the Light of Jesus Christ shall shine upon you, illuminate the Truth, and give you Light! Wow…What an amazing revelation from the Word!

Revival is activity within the Church and the culture. If you don’t have both you don’t have revival. And revival is only sustained for as long as people’s hearts are pressed into what God is doing and not offended by what He is doing during this appointed time. Blackaby, in his instructional teaching “Experiencing God”, said if you want to be a part of the move of God, find out where he is working and join Him there.” Notice we join God in what He is doing, we don’t direct God to what we think should be done. Revival is necessarily God inspired, Spirit driven, and Jesus focused; We look to see and listen to hear what the Father is doing, not to take control, but to join Him as obedient participants.


Revival is not a return to the old, but participation in the birthing of a new thing. Paul said in Phil 3:13-14… “This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind (the old things that lulled us to sleep) and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward (I am awakened to) the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (NKJV – italic portion mine) We are called to press on to that which is now at hand, the fresh move of God.

Revival is a time of the Church growing stronger in the revelation and illumination of the Word. It is a time of Kingdom growth by many salvations. And it is a time of overall spiritual growth in a region by a greater awareness of God’s manifested presence that openly affects both the Church and the surrounding culture.

God is always in revival mode and in a revival mood. His call is for us to “Come forth!” and join Him in what He is doing today!

Pastor Bill Ruhl – Global Destiny Ministry – Vice Chair FGGAM

Thank you Pastor Bill, one of my heroes! Please pray over the Reserve Revival! Pray for a huge movement of the Holy Spirit! Pray for God’s Will to be done in Reserve and Catron County! Thank you for your prayers! The Lord has told me, “Help REVIVE my people!”Bill Ruhl


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