Huckabee to Meet With Kim Davis, Why Isn’t Eric Holder In Jail?


Kim+Davis+mugMike Huckabee plans a private meeting with Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who was jailed by a federal judge Thursday after defying several court orders. Her lawyers spent Labor Day weekend filing appeals in an effort to force her release, but she remains there on a contempt charge. MORE HERE

From FGGAM Writer Howard Stansell:

Once upon a time there was a LAW called the DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT, signed into to law by none other than Bill Clinton. Eric Holder (of Fast and Furious fame), former Attorney general of the United States, under Barrack Obama, refused to defend that law out of individual choice!


In Kentucky a county clerk, Kim Davis, sits in a federal jail because she refuses to issue same sex marriage licenses to homosexual “couples” based on her first amendment right and according to her religious commitments.


What’s wrong here?


Why isn’t  Eric Holder isn’t in jail?

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