KY Clerk Kim Davis Released From Jail if She Doesn’t Do Her Job


US District Judge David Bunning, the judge who does not believe natural law has jurisdiction over his court, has released Rowen county clerk Kim Davis from jail if she agrees not to interfere with her deputy clerks mutiny in issuing same sex marriage licenses.

The order issued by Judge David Bunning says, “Defendant Davis shall be released from the custody of the U.S. Marshal forthwith. Defendant Davis shall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples. If Defendant Davis should interfere in any way with their issuance, that will be considered a violation of this Order and appropriate sanctions will be considered.”

Again, the judges actions are without precedent in the United States, which at one time held to the doctrines of the Declaration of Independence that all men (which includes women) are created with certain unalienable rights. Judge Bunning made the audacious statement last week that those rights were not recognized in his court. Bunning, who told Davis that “the idea of natural law superseding this court’s authority would be a dangerous precedent indeed.”

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