By what measure of leadership and governance standard do either Martinez or Berry even deserve to stay in their jobs never mind think they are promotable?
This is NM’s greatest scandal…elected leaders ignoring problems and thumbing their noses at the people while seeking their own political gain and personal aspirations.
The abortion issue in NM and ABQ are the perfect examples. In spite of the abortion situation and reputation in NM and ABQ, Martinez and Berry have not only ignored the issue, but have denigrated and obstructed those who have tried to bring this sad situation to light.
Recently, Mayor Berry criticized a local abortion protest group’s use of its first amendment rights. He stated, “It is not the (abortion) issue that concerns me; it is the way they are going about it.” In other words, he has no problem with abortion, but has a problem with it coming to light and making him look bad. On a larger stage, Governor Martinez’s administration has called prolifers “radical extremists” and “pieces of s**t.” So while other states in the country investigate abortion clinics and their practices, insure health and medical oversight, initiate and enforce laws and ordinances, here in NM and ABQ, our leaders seek higher offices for themselves while harassing those who complain about their deplorable records. And abortion is just one issue. Many will attest to their attitudes about other issues and advocates.
It is time for this scandal to end. Martinez and Berry should not aspire for loftier personal positions. A case could be made that they should resign. NM and ABQ deserves better attitudes and performance from their leaders.
Finally, I think certain groups need to stop pandering to these leaders. Again, I will point to the abortion issue. Too many prolifers condone and prop up leaders like Martinez and Berry because they accept empty words while ignoring their obvious deplorable records. All this needs to change. This, New Mexico, is our greatest scandal.…/new-mexico-ranks-49th-for-kids…/34270444