Every day seems to bring more horrific news and preposterous political notions on a nation already overrun with problems. How are we supposed to deal with all these situations without solutions? Everybody seems to recognize the problems, or think they do, but no one seems to have a plan of action to put an end to any of them.
The latest news of two people being shot while filming the news by a disgruntled ex-employee has some scrambling to enforce more gun control laws. Others argue that it’s not a gun problem but more a mental illness issue. All agree that gun deaths are happening way too often and something must be done.
The left is proclaiming that the right is waging a war on women by trying to tamper with their rights to decide for themselves whether or not to have an abortion. We’re seeing and hearing more and more horror stories about Planned Parenthood and the selling of aborted baby body parts. How do we deal with such issues? Some defend Planned Parenthood…or parts of it, and think the government should fund it, while others want no tax-payer dollars going toward such an organization.
There is an ongoing problem of black people feeling targeted by the police…and policemen being gunned down. Gangs and riots involving looting and shootings along with protests are becoming a major problem in some areas. Why are we not shocked into action by these crimes? Does anybody’s life truly matter anymore?
Immigration concerns us too, as more and more people illegally cross our borders. We now learn about “sanctuary cities” and “anchor babies” which seem to add to the problem. Some Christians in the Middle East, where they are threatened, are now looking for refuge in the United States.
Any and all of these problems are overwhelmingly real and have to be dealt with. As a people, we cannot expect or depend on the government to make laws that will fix any of them. Maybe it’s more of a people problem than anything else.
If we want to own guns, we should have no problem with following certain laws in order to keep them. Who among us, other than the military, has a need to own an attack rifle? Hand guns and hunting rifles are totally different. The laws we have in place concerning these…. registration, etc. sound like enough to me, but maybe more defined background checks are needed and must be enforced.
Laws will not cause someone who is mentally disturbed to think more clearly or act more responsibly. We have organizations and programs in place in all areas whose job it is to help these people. Maybe we need to make help more easily available. Most organizations demand proof that help is needed, then yards of paperwork must be filed. While all this is taking place the person’s problems just get worse. What is the answer?
As for de-funding Planned Parenthood, a better plan might be to do away with the organization altogether. Why allow something so unlawful to continue? All we seem to do is investigate these crimes, but no action is ever taken to put an end to them. Are we so afraid of offending someone that we allow murder to go without consequences? No wonder our country is in such terrible condition. Every life is created by God. He has a purpose for every one of us and no one, not even the mother, has a right to interfere with that purpose.
Many police departments are trying to get more involved with the citizens of their cities and work with them to improve relations. Let’s pray this helps and more progress can be made. Gangs have been a problem for years and more must be done to put a stop to those bent on destruction. A better relationship with law enforcement is a start. Movements like “Black Lives Matter” as well as The Black Panthers and the KKK need to be done away with.
As for the problem of immigration, building a fence might help and enforcing the laws of citizenship already in place might help. America has always been a refuge for those who find it impossible to exist in their own countries. A temporary place to escape to is one thing, but if more than that is wanted, then proper procedures should be followed. If the cost of citizenship is too high, then it needs to be based more on the peoples’ ability to pay. People in need should never be turned away.
With all these problems we face, is America still the best place to be? As a church, we need to be doing more to help meet the needs and find a solution to some of these situations. It is clear that the politicians and our government at this time is not going to act with any speed. There is only one solution to all these problems….The answer is God. He is the only one that can change people’s hearts and turn their lives around. There needs to be a stirring up of the Holy Spirit among God’s people and we need to feel the shock of these terrible acts that occur everyday. We must not let ourselves be conditioned to accept whatever happens and take no action to stop it.
Our veterans often suffer from PTSD….It’s a wonder many more of us don’t suffer along with them. God knew the dangers and horrors we would encounter in this life and clearly equipped some of us with the ability to handle whatever is thrown at us, while others of us faint at the thought of such terror. We must not faint and we must not hide in the comforts of our worldly cocoons while so many suffer and fight these battles for us. We have the power within us to fight all these evils!
Our power comes from an almighty God whose spirit lives in the hearts of those who know Him. Maybe it is time we release this power and ask expectantly for His wisdom and help. Some say it’s too late and our country is too far away from God already. It is up to us Christians to pray this isn’t true and take action. When Elijah prayed it would stop raining, it didn’t rain for three years. God answers the prayers of His faithful followers. Let’s pray without ceasing for peace and wisdom, strength and help to overcome the sin that has taken over lives and destroyed so many.