Republicans – Where Do They Stand .. Why Should We Wait And See .. And Why We Need To VOTE !



A Godly and Diplomatic Disagreement ?

First, let me be specific that this is not a backing of any of the individuals running for the presidential office. I believe there are roughly 15 months left to the next election and I will probably not make a decision for whom I pick for another 14 and 3/4 months which will then be subject to change until I actually punch the ticket!  One thing I do know is that along with my Pastor Dewey here at, we, along with probably everyone reading this, want someone in the oval office with strong Christian beliefs; not religious beliefs; but strong Christian beliefs.

A day or two ago, Pastor Dewey posted an article with which I was in disagreement with. While I could understand his point of view in the wording of his post, it had an article by an individual who claims to now be a Christian and was slamming Donald Trump left and right because he had changed his position on several issues and questioned his Christianity and his beliefs. I actually even have some respect for this individual making these claims but it is hard for me to accept this persons accusations when they have been agnostic for roughly 99% of their life only claiming to accept Christianity a mere year or so ago. And that’s not to say they’re not a Christian now .. but wouldn’t that qualify as a position change as well and what are her qualifications to say someone else is or is not a Christian? To the Pastor’s defense, he was not aware of much of the back ground on the person posting as I. I also noted that she still fully supported, (slightly less now), the current president and his administration and still defends it frequently who in my opinion is ‘the most un-Godly’ president we’ve ever had!

My point my folks – let us watch. Let us consider and evaluate, deeply, and with length about who we may put in office for what I pray will be a return to a Christian nation once again which stands for Christian morals. And we need not argue about it. While we may disagree, we can also respectfully discuss which will actually deepen all our knowledge levels. Study each and every one of the contenders and get to know them … AND VOTE! As a general statement, this has not occurred for quite a few elections! I’m not out to slam anybody, but the Christian participation rate in recent elections has been very, very low, to say the least, while we claim to be a Christian majority, yet we hear and complain everyday about some very un-Godly things occurring in our country. “We the people” are our government through our vote and to choose to not vote, or simply not making the effort to vote, is a surrender to whatever may happen. Likewise, a failure to educate ourselves to whom we give our vote is just as harmful. We have only ourselves to blame for the state of our nation today!

It is time we place the Lord back in our schools, in our homes and in our government before we consider what we may or may not be able to put in our pocket.

Pastor has asked me to post about my feelings about candidates running and I’m hesitant to do so at this time as I do not feel I know enough yet and there is so very much more to see and learn in this process and the process has only just begun. For me, I do know I’m inclined to lean for a non-politician and/or non-establishment candidate but even that has been altered in the last few days while considering responses to recent events; primarily the Kim Davis matter in which a Christian has been jailed for her Christian beliefs and not issuing LGBT marriage licenses. I won’t go into all the details of my feelings over that issue here, except to say IT IS NOT ONLY WRONG, IT’S OUTRIGHT ILLEGAL! I’ll just leave it at that for now. I do note, the article below only discusses Republicans but there a very few Democrats in contention as now and I believe we probably already know most of their viewpoints on the matter anyway.

I would request we all pay close attention to who is running and what their true beliefs are and participate in the process. In line with that, I ran into the article below that details how candidates are currently responding to the Kim Davis situation. I post this as 2 or 3 candidates who were at or near the top of my list have very suddenly dropped way down and I’m not certain my Christian beliefs will allow me to vote for them without some sort of change in their hearts on this matter!

I also link to the post Pastor Dewey made below showing the article I discussed and my response to his post at the end of that if you’d like to read it. Meanwhile, no fears, the Pastor and I get along just fine. Not always agreeing with each other, we are able to discuss the issues and come to a Godly resolution and we will ALWAYS remain the very best of friends!!!

You can read that post discussing candidates responses to the Kim Davis situation here:

You can also read the post from Pastor Dewey I mentioned above here:

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