TONIGHT- FOX NEWS: Planned Parenthood – The Hidden Harvest (Sep. 4th 10pm ET)

(Featured picture from the Family Research Council)
By Bud Shaver

Tonight Fox News is airing a special regarding the baby body parts scandal surrounding Planned Parenthood. The one hour Special Report will air tonight at 10 ET/ 8pm (MT)


Troy Newman of Operation Rescue and Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life were interviewed for this special. Both of them played a key role with the Center for Medical Progress and their development of the undercover strategy to go undercover to expose the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
Please let your friends and family know to watch the FOX NEWS Special Report tonight!

Here is Fox News’ Announcement for tonight’s special:

FOX NEWS REPORTING – Planned Parenthood – The Hidden Harvest Anchored by Shannon Bream

Premieres September 4th at 10 PM EDT. Repeating on Saturday, September 5th at 1 AM EDT.

This summer, a series of secretly recorded videos have exposed a business in fetal tissue.  Already a number of politicians have called for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, a primary target of the sting, while others support the organization and call this just another salvo in the War on Women.  The Fox News Reporting special Planned Parenthood – The Hidden Harvest delves into the controversy, featuring exclusive new details about the making of those videos, and investigating an industry and field of scientific research that many didn’t even know existed.


11949448_965340823584472_1513049141033416674_n(Protest ABQ Overpass Protest This Week)
Visit for more information about the New Mexico Abortion Cartel and all that Protest ABQ is doing to oppose and expose this radical abortion agenda deeply entrenched within New Mexico!
11953091_965340800251141_3234311567012537513_n(Protest ABQ Protest This Week of Planned Parenthood)

If you want to join the pro-life protest movement in ABQ please fill out the Join Us form here through the Protest ABQ website.

Protests are always prayerful, peaceful and law abiding. We look forward to seeing you out on the street!

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