VIDEO REPORT: Russia Building New Military Bases in Syria


Most Americans are asleep on this……Putin remains unchecked by the world, he is out for world dominance, and as the Chinese move forward, financially and also with military expansion, especially their navy, the Chinese President is having dinner with Obama tonight, will they eat dessert first? Who will pick up the tab? Who will leave the tip?  ICEJ NEWS REPORTS:

Putin Sunday

IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review, released satellite photos this week apparently showing an expansion of Russia’s military buildup in Syria, including additional facilities outside the airbase near Latakia which has been the focus of recent scrutiny. Western diplomats continued to express “grave concern” about the reports while Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly ordered his generals to prepare to strike the Islamic State (IS) terror militia in Syria if Western and Arab governments don’t make serious progress soon in their own campaign against IS. Elsewhere, the governments of Arab countries opposed to the Assad regime in Syria are expressing growing anger at Putin’s moves, which they believe are meant to bolster the regime and its Iranian ally, as well as prolonging the conflict at the expense of the Syrian people and the broader Arab consensus in the Middle East.

Click here for a closer look at the Russian military buildup in Syria

Bloomberg reports that Putin’s preferred course of action is for the US government and its allies to agree to coordinate their campaign against ISIS with Russia, Iran and the Syrian army.

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