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mayor Berry 4 Sadly no surprise here….it is very sad what is happening in Albuquerque. I weep as I write this…and I know I will get angry phone calls and emails after this posting, as the truth hurts many. Albuquerque is a city griped in violent crime, the latest FBI stats show us the facts. I have written about this for years. It pains me to write a post like this. So many of our young people have left the city because of no jobs and the lack of quality of life, they are tired of the violence. All but one of our 5 kids remain in Albuquerque. When I travel rural New Mexico, so many people actually tell me that they will not travel to Albuquerque anymore because of the violence. They see it played out on the TV newscasts every night. My friend Jimmy in Reserve, New Mexico says, “It seems that people are killing people everyday in Albuquerque, what’s going on?” What happened to Mayor Berry? He promised us so much!  The problems are numerous, under Berry and the current City Council, the staffing of the City Police force has shrunk. Mayor Berry and the present council govern over a city going through one of its worst times in its history. The Police force is going through so many internal problems, too many to count, the Justice Department stepping in because the Mayor and his Chief lost control, Officers being sued, Officers suing the city…etc…just a plain mess. The city has gone backwards under  Berry and the City Council. The Mayor can take to YouTube and attack Bud and Tara Shaver of Protest ABQ for standing up against the death of babies in Albuquerque and claim he is Pro-life! Who is he fooling!!??!! Sorry Mayor, but that video may end of your political career.  Mayor Berry and Abortion Why don’t you take to YouTube and take on crime Mayor? You have failed, you have failed to meet with Bud and Tara, they have asked to meet with you to stand up for God’s babies! I guess you care more about zoo animals than the life of babies. I guess you figure it’s all good now that you have a new tasmanian devil at the zoo! Try and defend yourself against these “dark times” in Albuquerque, death to babies, increase in crime, your police department in disarray and understaffed and young people leaving the city in record numbers. If you know of a darker time in the history of Albuquerque, I would like to know! The Police Officers I talk to are very committed to fight crime and serve, but you and your administration are a huge discouragement to many on the force. Mayor Berry and the City Council have taken the City for a”backwards ride” I never thought I would say this….it pains me to say it….but the City was better off with Mayor Marty! I must mention that I can only recall one Councilor coming out and supporting the ban against late-term abortion in Albuquerque and that was Pastor Dan Lewis. The Mayor was silent, as the ban failed. I weep for the City I love, we must stand in the gap for God during these dark times. Ezekiel 22:30….”I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not destroy it, but found none,” We here at FGGAM will stand in the gap for life, for babies, for our Police Officers and for our young people.  MORE HERE on the increase in crime



Pictured is Mayor Berry and Bud and Tara Shaver and children, I know, they look very threatening, more threatening than a tasmanian devil!

Pictures are of a violent drunk driving wreck in Albuquerque


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