What’s The Difference Between Apocalyptic Islam and “The Last Days” According to The Bible?



By Joel C. Rosenberg (@joelcrosenberg on Twitter)

(Central Israel, September 14th, 2015) — Shana Tova! Sunday evening at sundown in Israel began the Jewish New Year. And the region is full of anxiety over what the future holds.

The good news is that the God of the Bible is the God who knows the future, is all sovereign over the past, present and future, and even gives us a glimpse into the future through prophecy. This year, more than ever, I encourage you to read through — and study careful — the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, and especially the prophecies that tell us what the future holds.

Since publishing an article and two fact sheets (here and here) about the nature and threat of “Apocalyptic Islam,” people have been asking me numerous questions.

Among them:

1. Don’t Christians and Jews also believe in the End of Days?

2. Are you criticizing all people who study, believe in, teach, or live according to eschatology (the study of things pertaining to the End of Days)?

3. Is the study of eschatology inherently dangerous?

4. What are some of the similarities between Shia and Sunni eschatology and Biblical eschatology?

5. What are some of the main differences between Shia and Sunni eschatology and Biblical eschatology?

These are good and important questions. I’m glad people are asking, especially as we begin a new year on the Jewish calendar. So let me provide some concise answers. I also provide links to more resources below that I think you’ll find helpful….

To read this new column — and the National Review article and two fact sheets — please go to the blog,https://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/.

On the blog this week, you’ll also find links to numerous additional resources about Bible prophecy, as well as links to “My Spiritual Journey” (how my parents and I came to faith in Christ), and other Gospel resources.

Thanks. Hope you find all this material helpful.


• DALLAS/FORT WORTH, TEXAS: “One For Israel” banquet on September 19, 2015 in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. Seating is limited. If you would like an invitation to the fundraiser, please send your name and contact information to: reservations@oneforisrael.org (A ticket is required to attend.)

• PISMO BEACH, CALIFORNIA: “One For Israel” banquet on September 21, 2015 in Pismo Beach. Seating is limited. If you would like an invitation to the fundraiser, please send your name and contact information to: reservations@oneforisrael.org (A ticket is required to attend.)

• TORONTO, CANADA: “The People, The Land & The Future of Israel” Conference on October 2 and 3, 2015 in Toronto. Please register now for this exciting conference in Toronto. (A ticket is required to attend.)


* As the Jewish New Year begins, U.S. & world leaders keep saying the Iran deal will bring “peace & safety.” They repeat it like a mantra. Why, especially when Israelis don’t believe it?

* What every presidential candidate & policymaker needs to know about Apocalyptic Islam. What is it? Who believes it? Why does it matter?


* American support for Iran nuclear deal drops to only 21%, according to new poll. Here’s the latest.

* History will remember what Senate Majority Leader McConnell does now. Will he handle the Iran deal as a foreign treaty in keeping with the Constitution? Or will he surrender?


PRAYER NEEDS — please pray for….

* A Third Great Awakening — a sweeping spiritual revival — in the U.S. and Canada.

* The peace of Jerusalem — geopolitical but also spiritual peace through the Prince of Peace

* The Palestinian people in Gaza to be liberated from the reign of terror imposed by Hamas and other terrorist groups

* Israeli, Egyptian and Jordanian leaders to have wisdom to know how best to protect their citizens going forward and live in quiet and calm with their neighbors

* The President of the United States and his top advisors to have a change of heart and to truly stand unequivocally with Israel, America’s best friend and most faithful ally in the Mideast

* The President and other nations to know how best to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, defeat ISIS and stop the genocide, and prevent terror attacks on the U.S. and our allies

* Persecuted in Christians throughout the epicenter to be brave and bold for Christ and faithful lights amidst such darkness

* The protection of moderate Arabs and other Muslims in the region from Radical Islam, particularly in Jordan

* The Lord to strengthen His Church and reveal His Word and the transforming power of the Gospel to all the people of the epicenter, and that the Father would draw them to His Son

* The Joshua Fund to have the wisdom to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus, as the Lord guides and provides


* TWITTER — Please track the latest developments @joelcrosenberg.
BLESS ISRAEL & HER NEIGHBORS: Would you prayerfully consider giving a generous, tax-deductible gift to THE JOSHUA FUND? Come help us educate and mobilize Christians around the world about God’s love and plan Israel and her neighbors; provide food, medical supplies and other humanitarian relief to the poor and needy, to Holocaust survivors, and to widows and orphans; teach the Scriptures throughout Israel and the epicenter; strengthen the Church in the epicenter; and assist ministries helping Syrian & Iraqi refugees. Thanks so much, and may the Lord bless you and your family as you invest in the work of The Joshua Fund at this critical time. (www.joshuafund.com)
To pre-order THE FIRST HOSTAGE (releasing on 12/29/15) in hardcover, e-book, and audio formats, please click here (or visit your favorite bookstore).
To read Joel’s blog, please click here — https://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/
JOIN US ON A PRAYER & VISION TRIP TO THE HOLY LAND: To learn more, and to register, please click here
To order your copy of THE THIRD TARGET — about an NYT reporter who uncovers an ISIS plot to use chemical weapons — please click here.


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