As a Child


boy capMark 10:13-16 One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so He could touch them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother Him. But when Jesus saw what was happening, He was very displeased  with His disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to Me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn’t have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God.”  The He took the children into His arms and placed His hands on their heads and blessed them.

We recently went to an Air1 concert. One of the bands that was there was the David Crowder Band. We sat in the very back row and as the band began worshiping, I noticed some children a few rows up. To the left was a little girl standing on her chair. She had a huge white bow in her hair and she was dancing and lifting her arms in worship. To the right, there were two little boys. They were also standing on their chairs. The little boy on the right had a ball cap on, pushed down so low it pushed his ears out…you know how little boys do. He was dancing and every once in a while, he would add in some air guitar. His little buddy to his left had no cap, hands in pockets and was swaying. It was AWESOME! What freedom! What worship!

It got me to thinking about my Abba, and how He wants me to be free….to come to Him as a little child….to worship Him with abandon, conscious only of Him and me. He doesn’t want anything from me but me.  I am His little girl.

I thought of another time when we were over at our youngest son’s home, outside and enjoying each other and the beautiful weather. My daughter-in-law told me, “She’s dancing.” I looked over to see my granddaughter Madison in the furthest corner of the yard with her head thrown back in joy, dancing. It was lovely.

We get in our own way when it comes to freedom. We worry about what others will say or think. We get all uptight about coming to our Daddy as a little child and just letting Him love on us and us just loving on Him. How can it be that everyone tells us to “grow up”, yet our Holy Father says to come to Him as a little child?

You are His child and He’s your Daddy. Today, my prayer for you is that you put on a big white bow, or jam a ball cap on your head till your ears stick out and go dance in the furthest corner of the yard! Add in some air guitar! Throw your head back and worship your Daddy with abandon and joy! Be conscious only of Him and you! I love you beloved ones. Be free as a child….His child. Amen!

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free.

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