Home Headlines California Gov. Brown Struggles with Right-to-Die Bill, Joni Eareckson Tada is Praying...

California Gov. Brown Struggles with Right-to-Die Bill, Joni Eareckson Tada is Praying For a Veto


 Join us in prayer for the sanctity of life…..California Gov. Jerry Brown has until midnight Oct. 7 to sign or veto a controversial bill that would legalize physician-assisted dying in the nation’s most populous state.Right to die

Disability rights activist and evangelical author Joni Eareckson Tada is fervently praying for a veto but she, too, said, “I think Brown is struggling with the issue and listening to both sides.” urges calls to the governor’s office

Tada blogged at “Joni & Friends”  that the bill undermines compassion and would be “very bad news for the elderly, the disabled, and the medically fragile.”

The End of Life Option Act (the bill’s formal name) passed in legislative special session in mid-September and reached Brown’s desk Sept. 25. But few expected the former Jesuit seminarian would sign it during Pope Francis’ U.S. visit.

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