Coach Fighting For the Right to Pray for His Team


We should never make the mistake of believing that Christians have lost the fight for our children and the schools of the United States of America. Even as schools and the godless use the constitution to ban God from our schools, one coach in Bremerton, Washington is fighting for the right to thank the Lord for each member of his team.

Coach Joe Kennedy is working with the Liberty Council to lift a ban that Bremerton High School has placed on the football coach from praying for his team after the game.

Kennedy, a 20-year marine vet, made it a habit to go out onto the football field’s 50 yard line by himself to pray and give thanks to God for his team, praying for them by name, each and every one.

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Soon, others began to join him, players and other coaching staff and even members of the rival team. The coach did not ask to be joined, others did it voluntarily. It was a choice made by Americans to give thanks to the Lord for a good game without injuries or to pray for those who were.

That is when the problems began. You see, there are those who oppose righteous acts anywhere they can oppose them and praying on a football field, well that is a violation of something, it cannot be allowed to continue.

So an investigation was begun and soon a letter was written to the coach. It turns out the coach was giving positive speeches to his players and even praying before the game now too. While the coach agreed to not hold prayer before the games because it might seem the players had no choice, he has decided to challenge the school over the after game prayer.

Time will tell if there is a little bit of American liberty remaining to allow a prayer in public to the one true God on school property, but take note, liberty is gained by the willingness to fight for it. Are we willing to fight for the Lord or will we sit down and be quite.

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