From My Heart Podcast: They’ll Know We Are Christians


Dewey Head shot preachinggravesiteFrank and LaurieChurch crowdEd Moore

This morning I want to talk to you about unity! There is a song we sing in Church, “They’ll Know We Are Christians”, John 13:35 tells us, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. This past Saturday was the Memorial Service for Glenn Kellogg of Reserve, NM. The Baptist Church was plum full of people who came because of their love for servant Glenn, people from all over Catron county and America! I want to share with you a bit on the unity of the body of Christ, being a servant, and also on the passing of Laurie Vock and Jan Moore who is very ill.

Pictured to the left Laurie Vock and her hubby Frank, Jan Moore and her hubby Edwin, also the graveside service for Glenn Kellogg and a picture of the Memorial Service at the Reserve Baptist Church.

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