Letting Evil Stand in New Mexico


My heart breaks at the dysfunction in New Mexico Government: We Christians can be a strange bunch …..we allow evil to roam and destroy, like here in New Mexico, two thugs who have been in trouble many times with the law, were out on the streets and one kills 4-year-old Lilly and the other shoots Albuquerque Police Officer Daniel Webster, who is fighting for his life. We have a State Legislature that is lost, they have done nothing to change the Judicial system in the state as thugs roam New Mexico and kill innocent people, shame. The Governor and Legislature have also done nothing about the evil workings of Planned Parenthood.  It seems the only good thing the New Mexico legislature is good at, is making the news for all the wrong reasons, spending their campaign money on personal gains. The Republicans are as guilty as the Democrats, maybe even more so, things were to change with a Republican Governor, but in my estimation things in New Mexico are far worse with “Silent Susana”! I cannot think of one thing that has improved in our state under Martinez.  So many broken promises by “Silent Susana!” Babies being aborted, education failing, violent crime growing, second in the nation, poverty growing, well-being of children dropping fast, economy stuck in the mud, young people leaving the state in record numbers, etc….Lets not forget the latest Republican to fall to evil, Secretary Dianna Duran. The evils of gambling, which the State Legislature and Governor take a blind eye towards, as do many Pastors. Thank the Lord for people like Dr. Guy Clark of Stop Predatory Gambling in New Mexico! Much of the Church does not address the evils of the lottery and casinos. Many families and individuals are destroyed like Dianna Duran through this money maker for the state. Nothing will change here in New Mexico as long as we keep doing the same stupid things over and over. Lets pray that all the words coming out of the mouths of politicians, including the Attorney General, stick, and they will overhaul the Judaical System. Will it all be just “nothing noise?”  Will “Silent Susana” finally speak?

I weep for the people of New Mexico, I weep and mourn at the loss of Lilly and the shooting of Officer Webster who is fighting for his life. I pray that this will be enough for the Politicians to act!

I will Sing of Loving Kindness and Justice
3I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me. 4A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will know no evil. 5Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy; No one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure.…
Are the leaders of the future truly men and women of God? People with an ardent desire to dwell in God’s presence, to listen to God’s voice, to look at God’s beauty, to touch God’s incarnate Word, and to taste fully God’s infinite goodness?


  1. I am sending a little money to planned parenthood and some to super susana in your name, douchebag Dewey. When the girls in my daughters scout troop need abortions, we always look up Albuquerque in the guidebook. Hope we don’t see you there, that bible might hurt where it gets inserted. Your fraud God sucks. So do you. See you at the blackjack table, (Cuss word)

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