MIRACLE! Toddler Survives Near-Death Accident That Caused His Head To Detach From His Body!


PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! let us give all praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ! Toddler savedThanks to what doctors call “a miracle surgery,” an Australian toddler is on the mend after enduring a near-death car accident that caused his head to detach from his body.

The Sun reported that 16-month-old Jackson Taylor was riding in the car with his mother and 9-year-old sister when they collided with another vehicle driven by an 18-year-old man at about 70 mph. The crash caused an internal decapitation, in which Jackson’s head became removed from his neck.

Jackson was airlifted from the site of the crash to a hospital in Brisbane, Queensland, on the eastern coast of Australia, where surgeons began a six-hour procedure to save the toddler’s life. MORE HERE

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