How Many Hard-Core Felons in New Mexico Are Doing Soft Time?


News and Views-DeweyNew Mexico needs law and order candidates to bring forth Godly justice!

Yesterday we learned that a hard-core felon escaped from the minimum security farm in Los Lunas, New Mexico. Story Here So, we find another flaw in the New Mexico Judaical system. It is interesting this happens the day before the funeral of Albuquerque Police Officer Daniel Webster, who was assassinated by a boomerang thug. Officer Webster’s funeral is today.  Officer Webster’s Funeral Details Let us not forget the recent murder of 4-year-old Lilly Garcia by a boomerang thug. New Mexico is a very unsafe state, number two in violent crime. We also learned yesterday that the “do nothing” New Mexico Legislature is already arguing over needed changes to the Judicial system. My prayer this day and all days is that the people of New Mexico will demand that the Governor, a former District Attorney, who campaigned that she would protect the people of our state, and the “do nothing” Legislature that allows the murder of babies through abortion, will overhaul the Judicial system to make it a strong deterrent to crime and also stop the needless death of babies through abortion. Right now the New Mexico Judicial system is just a “comic strip” to thugs. We don’t event stand behind our Law Enforcement Officers with strong laws, a deterrent to crime, these thugs know they have a revolving door to freedom! We can no longer have our Officers traveling by themselves, we got to have two Officers in a patrol car at peak times, when crimes most likely occur. It is not right to send them out alone in high crime areas, such as Albuquerque. What ever happened to New Mexico to go down the path of death and not follow God’s way to the sanctity of life?  Why can’t New Mexico Get It Right?

I repeat: New Mexico needs law and order candidates to bring forth Godly justice! A society cannot succeed in anyway without law and order, which New Mexico does not have at this time.

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