The blessing is in the blanket. Whether you believe; or not, the blessing is still in the blanket! A blessing can be rejected, but a blessing is still a gift from God! A blessing is a gift from God that is received with praise and thanksgiving! According to “my” faith; and because of Christ living in me, it is God living in me that HE gave me the compassion to put love into the blanket that I give to someone whom God knows needs the warmth! But there is more going on than what we can see! This is important; and God just gave this to me to share:
It is not what we do, but what God is working through!
The enemy will try to confuse you; with a purpose to stop you; and the enemy shoots darts of fear and discouragement to accomplish his mission –but don’t worry and let (SIN) get in your way of doing God’s mission! Apply your faith and trust God all the way; even in the gift of God’s perfect time.
As I was posting this and choosing the picture to feature with this post, I see us all standing at the foot of the cross with a need; and also something to give. We are blessed to be a blessing! And, also the Holy Spirit nudged me to say to you that you are good enough to come to the cross -Don’t expect change to come before you come to the cross. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Believe on Him -Jesus makes us worthy to both give and to receive! The fact that you care is evidence you should come to the cross for Salvation; and choose life with God by confessing the Truth in God’s Holy Son.
As I tucked a message of God’s Holy Love under the wrapper of the blanket, a doubting thought of fear come to my mind, “What IF” What if the message is rejected? Yet, in that same moment, I had faith and reminded my self of God’s Word! I reminded myself of Whom God Is! I remembered too, Don’t worry about the one who might not receive the real blessing of God’s love that is in the blanket –and keep it from those who would like to receive their blessing! Give the blanket anyway and trust God who does the work!!!
Plant God’s garden of love unconditional of what you see or think!
Faith is sure of hope for, which is certain of what we DO NOT SEE! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! Read God’s Word, build yourself up in your most holy faith by applying what you believe; and pray in the Holy Spirit! Bind and cast away doubts in the powerful and mighty Name of Jesus; and ask God to replenish and refresh the spirit of truth and giving in you! It is God who does the good work; and do not allow the enemy to stop you! Nothing God does comes back void! Hold on tight to Jesus; and stay with God –not ahead, or behind, but side by side in faith that is in unity with the will of God.
God is a good God; and God is so good that He causes minds to change when we pray and do His will in faith! Nothing we ask for in the will of God will come back void! Praise God for He is a good, good, good God; and God is so good to me; and also to you! Praise Him for the goodness you see! God loves you so much, that He put it on my heart to reach out to you today to encourage you that you are immensely and incredibly valuable to God!
Happy Thanksgiving time to you! The Lord woke me up this morning as He gave me His Spirit of encouragement; and these words to say.
The Lord cares about you!
Your value to God is not if you have little; or plenty. Your value to God is who you are to Him! You are a top priority to God; and it matters to God if trust Him.
The Lord encourages us in the message of Thanksgiving!
The Believers Form a Community
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper* ), and to prayer.
A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity* — all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47
Open your Bibles; and read that in the Spirit of Truth. There is such Wisdom from God to be discovered in His Word! Yet, we have to read God’s Word; and obey -Don’t let evil spirits darted at us from Satan get in the way! When you think you know enough –read, read, read God’s Word of Truth … again, and again, and again with the Lord! Discover how deep and wide and vast the Love of God is!
“They shared everything they had –and TOGETHER they worshiped the Lord Jesus Christ; and there were no needy person’s among them!” These are the words the Lord woke me up to; and I believe it is His will -thus important that I share this message with you today!
I discovered this Scripture in Acts Chapter 2, many years ago! The Lord delivered it to me by the Holy Spirit revelation and in life application!
Always a believer; and adamant in my faith in God, His Son and respect in His Word; yet I never really read the Bible much! So, as I was excited as a new Bible reader that I was actually understanding it, that I practically ran in my spirit to church that Sunday, because I just knew that I found a hidden treasure!
Funny thing is, looking back and thinking about the position our Sunday school teacher had that day, I am sure that he had not only read, but also studied this Scripture! Yet, I ran in and showed it to him like I had just discovered the “mother lode” in an old Gold Mine! And, in fact I had! God’s Word had become new and living to me! And, he received it with the love of Jesus and the grace of God!
He made me feel worthy of my excitement, even though I sensed the spirit of Truth –He already knew about this Scripture!
It is Thanksgiving time and the Lord woke me up with these words to share to encourage you to give –and also learn how to receive! Allow the Lord to do the good work that is in you; and do not allow doubt to conquer your faith by wondering if, or how it will be received! Just trust in who God is and who Jesus is and know that among us are those who believe! Just know that it is God who does the work! Just know that it is the Spirit of Jesus Christ that draws people to know Him as their personal Savior and Lord! And, don’t let doubt get in the way of your faith! God’s will be done on earth and it is in Heaven.
I can testify that Doubt is a dichotomy to faith! “The Dichotomy of the love of Jesus, by Karen Rowe” –The title of the next book the Lord has assigned to me to complete! Praise God -He is working swiftly in this book! The Dichotomy of the Love of Jesus is the opposite of who Jesus is –I hope this is a blessing to you in this much today; and I hope that you will pick up a copy when she comes to the world! This is my faith in God! This is my faith in Jesus! My faith looks to Jesus and I have learned to praise God for what he assigns me to do –instead of looking at my human weaknesses -that I know I am walking on the water; But Jesus never lets me down! Sometimes, I look down and begin to doubt, but I am learning to keep focused on Jesus! And, this also is my encouragement to you!
This is the Lord’s encouragement to us all today –as long as God calls it today!
Believe –and do not doubt! Love and do not hate –hate the sin, but not the sinner! Give with thanksgiving; and trust it is Christ in you who gives you the compassion and power and authority to do your assignment by God!
Faith is a living organism in you! Feed your faith with God’s Word of Truth; and do the will of God.
God is love! The world understands sympathy…but not the compassion in Christ!
It is Christ in us who gives us the compassion to do such acts of kindness –with Wisdom, patience and endurance –never tiring of gathering together; and doing good things! Church is not the building that you go to on Sundays, or Saturdays or Wednesday night. Even these such opinions divide and separate the real church into denominations and such like that.
There one God, One Savior, One Word, One Holy Spirit -The Same God that is for you is for for me and for all the world who will believe!
Church is in you!
and Church is in me!
jesus is the church!
We simply Believe!
So who are we but dust made into life by God! We simply believe; but life is all about God! And, when we gather together as believers in the powerful name of Jesus Christ –doing the will of God TOGETHER; oh my goodness, together we can, and do, and should share everything we have; as together we worship the Lord Jesus Christ, and I truly believe there would be no needy persons AMONG US! Holy Spirit you are welcome here!
The last thought that the Lord gave me to share on thanksgiving is simply this: Don’t try to figure out or fix what God has done and is doing through you –in other words, do not let doubt come in and stop you from carrying through the assignment that God nudged you to do! Don’t try to improve or change or alter the work of faith from Christ living in you! Trust God and trust also in His Son!
The Lord commands us to love –God is love; abide in love and you are abiding in Jesus and Jesus in you!
You can literally say when you carry out an assignment from the Lord,
“It is Christ in me who gave me the compassion to do this!”
Do nothing; unless the Lord moves you!
Unless God is in the building, the work is void, but oh my, we have the privilege to work with God! Planting seeds is powerful; and watering tender faith with the love God puts in our hearts, which is the word the Bible uses to refer to our spirit, is beautiful to be a part of –Yet, we know it is God who does the work! Trust God –and do well! Give with a cheerful heart this Thanksgiving; and allow Thanksgiving to live in your heart the whole year through; as long as God calls this day today!
It is by grace we are saved though faith. This is not our own doing –it is a gift of God –that no man can boast in himself, but by giving we boast in the blessing of knowing the Lord and demonstrate our faith in a good God! We who believe follow Jesus Christ by faith!
Christ is among us! Let us rejoice in the Lord! Let us be that light of Jesus Christ and shine for God and reveal God’s true nature of goodness –to a dim world that they might see hope as a choice; and choose life to be saved from death!
There is so much more the Lord has to say to us, but this completes my first assignment for the day!
God bless you my friends in Christ! And, if you are here reading this and don’t know Jesus loves you; Believe on Him! Believe! You are welcome and invited to join our family with God as your Father, by simply believing on Jesus as your personal Savior! And, then also choose to make Him your Lord! So that you may have life and experience life more abundantly! It is not by accident you are reading this today!
Pray and hear the message of the Lord Today!
God will never call you to do anything that He has not already made a Way for you! Trust God! Blessings are discovered though our faith trusting God. Will you open your Bible and search God’s Word for the truth? The Bible is like a road map to life! Each Scripture has an address!
Happy Thanksgiving –time! The Truth shall set you free –and free to give you will be! Hallelujahs to the Lamb of God!
All my love in Christ,
Karen Rowe, Director of Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.
Write to me @ and request your gift copy of The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe! I will be happy to share everything I have and together we can worship the Lord Jesus Christ!