Pastor Dewey Note: Much of the media is failing to report this story that continues to develop all over the world.


Neo-Nazi movement gaining traction in Ukraine
Ukraine’s remaining Jewish population have received many shocks this year and another one came recently with the election of Artem Semenikhin of the Svoboda party, viewed by many as a neo-Nazi front organization, as the mayor of the small northern city of Konotop.  Svoboda currently holds 6 seats in the 450 seat Rada, Ukraine’s parliament and garnered a fair amount of support in recent municipal elections in Ukraine. However, its leadership has considerably toned down its anti-Semitic rhetoric in recent years in an effort to become more mainstream and Jewish leaders in Ukraine say they’re less worried about it than they used to be.

This report from the Jerusalem Post:

Violence from Svoboda party activists a concern for some in small northern city.

ICEJ Appeal- Help Ukrainian Jews Come Home

There are thousands of Jews now living in refugee camps in Ukraine who have decided there is no reason to go back to their homes and some will now make the move to Israel. They will need to be brought out to safety while immigration authorities are expediting their paperwork. So please help us by making your most generous contribution today for the urgent aliyah of Jews from Ukraine. Read More >>

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