Here is the latest update on my wife Alice and her battle with dizziness caused by the brain tumor that has grown back,  after her removal surgery  in 1996.  That’s when she lost her 3 octave singing voice because during the 12 hour surgery the Dr. cut a nerve to her right vocal cord.   The surgeon also left a metal clip in his head,  so an MRI cannot be done now,  no image can be seen because of that. CT scans can be taken.  We are hoping that a CT scan is enough “target information” for a Gamma Knife procedure.  It is non-invasive, day surgery and usually has very good results.  

So here’s the latest  as of 12-1-15


Alice  is still having dizzy spells, they last about 10 to 15 seconds, mainly if she turns her head fast, bends over, or turns quickly she’ll have one, she’s not driving… and she’s been calling Drs. and hospitals here for days now, looking for any reports, scans,  notes  etc from her surgery 20 years ago. The Gamma Knife Dr that we want her to see was asking for all of that data before he can make a decision .. yesterday, we were able to get what data was still left, a lot had been purged from systems, we took it to the Dr. and she got an appointment to see him on Jan. 21. If there’s a cancelation she could get an earlier appointment. So, that’s where we are now.   Thanks for your prayers. We are hearing good things about the Gamma Knife procedure. We just hope this Dr. will take her as a patient…..

 We’ve got hundreds of people praying, our church people at the journey fellowship, family all over the country, and Facebook friends are praying too. We are just trusting the Lord for his guidance and Grace. It’s just another trial to see if we will trust Him. Of course we will trust Him. We are on an exciting ride, we can hardly wait to see how this will turn out. Thank you Jesus.

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