When I saw this report (the link is in this post) in the Albuquerque Journal this morning on New Mexico’s failing economy, it was a confirmation of what I have been preaching and reporting on for years since I moved here in 1995. I was amazed and sadden, it breaks my heart at the amount of corruption and cronyism in New Mexico. I have been in media for almost 40 years, started in 1978 at the Minnesota News Network as a weekend producer and wherever I have worked in radio whether it be Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Indiana…..I have never seen such corruption in government, leaders being inept, cronyism runs rampant in the state, uneducated people in government including the Legislature, New Mexico needs a full-time Legislature….now here comes more proof………… Albuquerque Journal story here
New Mexico is a very poorly educated state, horrific drop out rates, violent crime and drugs, number one in child poverty in America, highest unemployment in the nation. Pastor Garland Moore of Grants/Milan, NM says, “New Mexico needs to be born again”